Sunday, March 31, 2013

Counting Mine {271-280}

The tomb is empty!
Our Redeemer lives!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
271} the man of character and integrity that God chose to be my husband
272} reading Jordan's Christmas bible to her and hearing her excitement
273} Mom's guest bathroom - I wallpapered it myself and she kept it like that even after I moved out
274} re-reading a favourite book
275} when Ian tells me I'm his soft spot, and the heart of our homw
276} watching a dog chase its tail
277} a father holding his daughter's hand
278} the way the sun sets into the water
279} hearing seagulls and being reminded of the beach
280} all of my family under one roof
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

If you are counting your own blessings and blogging about them, will you leave me a comment with the link to your blog, or share them with me at I'd love to know how you are being blessed through your journey!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Counting Mine {261-270}

"Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in You.
Show me the way I should go,
for to You I lift up my soul."
Psalm 143:8
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

261} soft music playing in the background

262} a driver that lets you go first at a 4-way stop, even though they got there first

263} the person who helps my mother by cutting her grass and shovelling her driveway, all done anonymously

264} watching Cake Boss with Sam

265} road trips

266} my childhood home and the feeling of safety I have when I walk through the front door

267} watching the children playing on the beach

268} having something fun and exciting to look forward to

269} a bubble bath in the middle of the day

270} the protective way Sam hugs me

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

If you are counting your own blessings and blogging about them, will you leave me a comment with the link to your blog, or share them with me at I'd love to know how you are being blessed through your journey!


Friday, March 22, 2013

5QF ~ Mar 22

Oh sweet mercy...what a week!

Monday night I met up with my friend Louise to visit. Tuesday was a meeting at the church. Wednesday was my course. I've been staying late at the office each night trying to get ahead. Crazy. I was thankful for a quiet evening at home with my family last night.

I belong to a wonderful group of blogging friends and they have been blessing me in a huge way lately. I've been getting care packages filled with gifts and M&Ms in the mail recently and it just warms my heart. I'm hoping to do a blog post on that soon because it deserves more than one or two lines in this post! I have pictures too :-)

I just got some GREAT news last night. I woman I worked with when I was pregnant with Matthew has bought a house about 5 minutes from mine so we'll get to actually see each other for coffee and playdates. She has a daughter close to Jordan's age and a baby. So excited.

I'm hoping to visit with my mama tomorrow and then go out on a dinner date with my Ian in the evening. Sunday is Palm Sunday and then next week... whoa! My girls' birthdays! Julie turns 12 on Wednesday and Jordan turns 5 on Friday.

Life is full these days, that''s for sure.

Enough chit chat Kate!

It's time for Mama M's Five Question Friday blog meme!


1. What advice would you give a newly married couple?

Enjoy being just the two of you before adding to your family. Do things, go places, learn.

Learn to be forgiving with one another. You will have many, many, opportunities to practice.

Never speak poorly about your spouse to anyone. Ever. Once you do, you've opened the door for others to do it as well. Be their biggest cheerleader and their safe place.

Start and finish every day with I love you.

Hug often.

2. Who does more laundry around your house?

Ian does. But I do my own.

3. What items, if any, do you prefer to buy organic or make yourself?

I never buy organic anything. Ever. 

4. What book/TV series would you recommend for a friend on bedrest?

Fifty Shades of Grey. HA.

The Left Behind series.  

Or watch Lost from beginning to end, or Flashpoint.

5. So, they say it's Spring now...what does your "spring" look like at this very moment?

We had a blizzard today. I seriously want to punch Mother Nature in the face.

Ok! I'm off! Have a super day and a super weekend!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

I Want To Be A Toddler

You know who has it made in this world?

Toddlers have it made.

They get to do what they want, when they want, however they want...and all is okay.

They laugh so hard it literally causes them to fall over. Anything and everything is funny, and they just let go. A toddler's belly laugh can fix just about anything, don't you think?

How about when they're angry? They can just lay down on the ground and kick and scream, letting all their frustrations out. Haven't you wished you could do that once or twice? I know I have. Something tells me I might be looked upon a little differently than say a 2-year old.

They're so full of love for everyone. They'll hug and kiss a stranger, just because they can. If we do that then the police get involved...

A kiss on a boo boo takes the pain away.

A cookie makes everything better.

They get to ride in a stroller everywhere they go.

They can nap all afternoon. I don't get why they cry and fight their naps, though. I never cry if presented with the opportunity to nap. Well... unless they are tears of joy.

Toddlers can eat with their hands. How cool is that? Let's face it, some food you just can't get in your mouth fast enough. {Hello SmartFood...I'm talking to you}

And if they don't like a particular food they just spit it out. I've had a few meals in my life where I wish I could have just spit something out.

They shout when they want. Even swear words. Haven't you wished you could shout a swear word??

Oh yes...I have.

Everything is exciting and fresh and new for them.

Oh yes, they've got it made.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Musings

Life feels so full and busy these days.

This Wednesday marks the first day of Spring. We'll likely have more snow between now and Spring-like weather, but the end is near. I can feel it.

The children had their Spring break this past week and enjoyed a slower schedule, just resting and relaxing. Ian took all four of the children up north to visit his parents on Thursday as they just returned from wintering in the south. I took the day off work on Friday to spend some time with them. Julie, Jordan, Matt and I met up with my friend Dawn for coffee in the morning. Dawn recently returned from her eleventy millionth cruise (I'm not jealous... I'm not jealous...) and had brought me some Hawaiian Punch and M&Ms from Florida.

Afterwards the kids and I drove through a wealthy neighbourhood, picking out which houses were ours and which we thought were too over the top.

Friday night I went to help with youth group. The didn't have a female adult there and our protection policy requires one, so Ian asked if I'd help. It's always fun to listen to Ian's lesson, and the laughter of the kids during the games.

Saturday morning I was up and out early to go cross-border shopping with my mom. I had printed out maps of where we wanted to go so we wouldn't get lost. Well, I managed to put the wrong address into and totally messed up. I got directions to Niagara St when I should have put in Niagara Falls Blvd. Yikes. We spent much of our day lost!

Still, we managed to get to two Walmarts, a Target, Hobby Lobby, Joann Fabrics, Big Lots, and the Walden Galleria mall. I was excited to eat at IHOP but it turned out to not be that great. Crossing back into Canada took almost an hour and a half and we got home just before 10pm.

What did I buy, you wonder? I bought some Easter treats, a new Essie polish for my collection, a lipstick, an orange t-shirt for Mattie and two jugs of Hawaiian Punch. Total spent: $31.66. The customs officer was impressed with what I got for that.

This morning we all made it to church and I was glad. My attendance has been so spotty lately and I hate that.

This week will be busy as usual. Tomorrow night I'm meeting up with a friend after dinner. Tuesday is a meeting at the church. Wednesday is my course night. So it will be Thursday before I can relax.

I'm settling into my new role at work. Not sure if it will be permanent or not, but I'm relaxing into it. The owners are pleased with me so that's good. I even got the go ahead to bring someone in for a couple of weeks to help us get caught up a bit more.

I think that's it for now.

Catch ya next time!


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Counting Mine {251-260}

"I will proclaim the name of the Lord.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
He is the rock, His works are perfect."
Deuteronomy 32:3-4
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
251} watching Julie looking through my bible for verses I've highlighted so she can highlight the same ones in hers

252} Sam's confidence in speaking about the Lord to his friends when it "isn't cool"

253} when the children back up their beliefs with bible verses

254} the precious and beautiful gift of salvation

255} surprising the children with a freshly baked treat after a long day at school

256} Ian's arm around me during church

257} all of the children gathering close to watch daddy making Mattie laugh, all delighting that he is ours

258} someone I deeply admire telling me I've inspired them

259} the peace that comes from letting go of the need to be perfect.

260} getting out of the cold rain into a warm car

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

If you are counting your own blessings and blogging about them, will you leave me a comment with the link to your blog, or share them with me at I'd love to know how you are being blessed through your journey!
