Friday, May 18, 2012

Book Review: Empty Promises

We all long for more of something in our lives. In our endless pursuit to feel worth and acceptance we find ourselves sacrificing everything for the promise to be a little more beautiful, a little richer, a little more powerful and successful, a little more loved.

How do we break free from these empty pursuits and start chasing the only Promise that will ever satisfy? How do we uncover the hidden idols that are driving us and turn our devotion toward the one true God?

Join Pastor and best-selling author Pete Wilson in discovering the joy and freedom that comes with seeking after God with your whole life. Learn how to replace, and not just relinquish, life's empty promises by turning your focus and worship toward Him. It is the only thing that will set you absolutely free from the endless pursuit of everything else.

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I've read my fair share of books that talk about how to live a God-centered life and I've never truly gotten it.

Not until now, that is.

I read this book and saw myself in almost every single chapter.

Pastor Pete Wilson is brutally honest about his own challenges,shortcomings and personal struggles. I appreciated his openness and authenticity in sharing from his heart. When I read a book like this, I don't want to have all hearts and rainbows from someone who has it all together. Pete Wilson doesn't, and he is very straightforward in sharing that. I found myself tearing up at times... if a Pastor wrestles with his faith then it must be normal and ok for me to struggle as well.

He talks about all the empty promises we give in to. If we had more money, we'd be financially set. If she was prettier, she'd catch a man and then she'd feel secure. If only I had better clothes, more friends, a better car, a bigger house... then I'd be happy. And they're all lies.

I saw myself in this, and I realized how many empty promises I have fallen for. When Ian goes back to work and we're back on our feet, I'll be happy. When we sell the house, I'll be happy. When we go on vacation, then I'll be happy. But what if I'm not? I need to learn to be happy here and now, because of who I am in Christ. To be content in all circumstances because the Lord is all I need. And I realized that I have the power to choose to be happy right where I am. And in the midst of an extremely difficult season, this is what I have chosen. Joy. Sometimes several times a day, but I'm doing it.

Pete covers great topics like being addicted to power, money or approval. How we worship idols instead of filling those spaces with God. How to pray as ourselves, not how we think we should pray.

I appreciated how he ended this book with ways to draw closer to God and life a more Christ-centred life. I wasn't left hanging with all these truths and nowhere to go with them. He points the reader in the right direction.

I have written all over the pages in this book. So many great thoughts to take away with me. At one point he reminds the reader that God watches over us while we sleep, that He never sleeps. And if that is true for the night, it is also true of the day. We can let go of our anxieties, worries and fear, because He is watching over us always.

I can think of two people right away who could greatly benefit from this book. If you find that you struggle with the lies and empty promises of this world, I urge you to pick up this book and really let yourself get into it. It will be time truly well spent.

Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson.



  1. Anonymous12:59 a.m.

    I too have felt the "empty promises" feeling of all of the things I've been hoping to happen come to fruiton yet to no husband and I have had almost a constant stream of difficulties always arising just after we've conquered ( with the Lord's help) a major issue and we ask why, over and over again....we just feel beaten down despite our intention of what the Lord would have us do....I think I need to read this book. Hugs to you Kate, your blog is always a 'real life' inspiration.....your fellow Canadian and follower in South Carolina....Yvonne

  2. I just picked up 'Plan B' by him and thought of you ;)
