Sunday, February 05, 2012

Counting Mine {151-165}

What a week! Lots of highs and lows, and much to be thankful for in between.

The other day my sweet friend Marie sent me an email saying she was praying this verse over me:

"However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]—
the things God has prepared for those who love him-"
1 Corinthians 2:9

Marie sends me emails of love and encouragement regularly, reminding me of the truths I need to cling to. She lifts me up and prays for my family and I am so thankful for her. Her emails always seem to arrive on a day when I need them the most. She is definitely one of my one thousand gifts :)

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

151} little girls with polished nails
152} drive-in movies
153} picnics
154} slow dancing with my Ian
155} disco
156} Ian's well worn, well read bible and all the written notes within it
157} garbage exemption day
158} when Julie let's me blow dry her hair
159} reading a bible verse and hearing it in a fresh way
160} staying in hotels
161} free samples
162} cars that stop when there's no crosswalk, just to let children cross
163} when Jordan picks out all the orange m&ms to give to me
164} stores with pretty bags
165} a restored marriage

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

If you are counting your own blessings and blogging about them, will you leave me a comment with the link to your blog, or share them with me at I'd love to know how you are being blessed through your journey!

Counting Mine {1-15}
Counting Mine {16-30}
Counting Mine {31-45}
Counting Mine {46-60}
Counting Mine {61-75}
Counting Mine {76-90
Counting Mine {91-105}
Counting Mine {106-120}
Counting Mine {121-135}
Counting Mine {136-150}



  1. You bless me back Kate... women need each other so much. When I feel like I'm losing faith, God sends a sister like you to get my eyes back in the right place. Hugs!

  2. Hey You! I wasn't trying to make you miss me. I've just been straying away from the internet some. I get too caught up and gotta walk away. I have been reading here and there but not really leaving comments anywhere. I'm sorry.

    I love the positive in so many of your posts. You've come so far.

    And your hair! I can't believe you didn't brush it for your blog and it's still so fabulous! :)

    Love ya!
