Today I am thankful for...
~ All this rain! It means I haven't had to cut my grass this week
~ For all Ian does to make sure I take time to recharge and to just be Kate
~ Jordan was back to her regular sleep schedule last night so more sleep for me
~ my friend Jen's healthy pregnancy and that she gets to see Baby tomorrow (it's a boy, I just want to go on the record about that right now)
~ My new Palm Treo 750
Last night Ian took over caring for Jordan so I could have a nap. I ended up cancelling plans to get together with my friend Cindy for the second night in a row. She is so kind and understanding and I so appreciate that. Ian brought my dinner up to me which was very sweet. I just lay in bed and vegged out, watching The Baby Borrowers. EXCELLENT show I must say. I think it should be shown in every highschool across North America.
After Ian put the children to bed, Sam came to climb into bed with me and we cuddled and shared secrets. He is such a sweet little boy. I can't believe he'll be 9 next week.
Today was full of crazy rain. It would come out of nowhere and just POUR. So crazy. Now the sun is shining and it's beautiful.
Since it's rained most of the week we've been cooped up in the house so today we thought we'd bake a cake together. Here we go...
No one can crack an egg like my kids... no shells at all!

The finished product. YUM!

The children wanted to write "We Love You Dad" on the cake but I didn't have any icing tubes to be able to do that, so they put heart shaped sprinkles all over it.
I had to laugh at them today. Just before we got started Sam told me to get my camera so I can take pictures for my blog.
Very exciting news in our house today. Jordan rolled over! Twice! She is so brilliant I tell you. For those who want to know the nitty gritty details...she rolled from her tummy to her back, to the left. And she was BRILLIANT.
I was already back to work when Sam rolled over for the first time so I missed that. I tried telling myself that whenever I did see him roll over it would be the first time for me. Wasn't the same. I was going to make sure I didn't miss Julie rolling over for the first time but I did. She was on the blanket right beside me but I was talking to my mother so I missed it. Honestly Kate! So I think you can get how thrilled I was to see Jordan do it today. Yay!
I wanted to get pics of her doing it again but she wasn't cooperating. This is all I got and I'm posting it because she has the cutest chubb chubb legs EVER.

So there's this show called Jon & Kate Plus 8. This show is about a couple, Jon & Kate who first had twins, then had sextuplets. I guess having 8 kids is worth making a show about. I hate this show and I'll tell you why. The mother, Kate, is a ***** (rhymes with witch but I can't say the real world because I'm all Christian like that lol). Ok, I get that she has 8 kids and all, but MAN she is a nasty woman. I would like to present two examples, although I could list many more.
First of all can you say SPOUSAL ABUSE? She is so degrading and rude towards her husband. I can't believe how she talks to this guy and he takes it! All of it! She embarrasses him in public, talks down to him, berates him, criticizes him... it's so brutal to watch. For some reason this show has a huge following so they run these Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathons practically every day. Last night they had a show where they discussed their favourite moments and embarrassing moments. I felt myself getting teary at the way she treated Jon.
Of course, I would like to say that I also got teary watching an American Express commercial yesterday. Sigh. Gotta love PMS. Any day now I will post my rant against Walmart which I have been saving for an occasion such as this. But I digress.
The second example is an episode where Jon and Kate went somewhere alone and Aunt Jody came to babysit. Well, poor Aunt Jody asked all these kids if they were allowed to have gum. And of course, like kids, they all lied and said yes. So Poor Aunt Jody gave them gum which then made it's way into hair and toys, etc.
WELL. Kate went nuts about the gum that got into one kid's blanket and started telling the little guy that she was going to throw it in the garbage. He's crying and begging her not to and she's going on and on about how she's putting it in the garbage and even shows him while she does it. SO MEAN. That episode made me cry.
Right about now I bet you're wondering why I would watch a show I so openly despise. My answer is that I don't know. Maybe I'm hoping her husband will grow some (sorry for being indelicate) and stand up for himself. Maybe because it's like watching the aftermath of a car accident. You just can't look away.
That's all there is to say about that.
In closing, I would just like to point out that tomorrow is 5 months until Christmas!!
Kate I am so happy you are feeling better! HUGS!
ReplyDeleteThat cake is awesome! I bet it was yummy!
WTG Jordan!
I tried watching J&K+8 and couldn't stand it!
I am waiting with baited breathe for your Wal-Mart post!
They did a great job on the cake! Woot! And yay for Jordan on rolling over - and ya to Mom for being able to see the first time!
ReplyDeleteI watch J&K, and I love the little kids. They are so adorable! Now the mom...she gets me. She comes out and says the things that most of us would never say, but might run through our heads at the worst of times. That is not a good thing.
For instance, I was watching one last night and she was totally undermining the dad's authority with one of the boys. She said "oh you don't have to listen to daddy...he's just being mean" or something to that effect. BAD idea!!
P.S. My unders are on correctly tonight. :)
Kate I am so happy you are feeling better! HUGS!
ReplyDeleteThat cake is awesome! I bet it was yummy!
WTG Jordan!
I tried watching J&K+8 and couldn't stand it!
I am waiting with baited breathe for your Wal-Mart post!