What a week! This job sucks all my brain power all week and I've been looking forward to some family time this weekend. I'm in serious need of some cuddle time with the children. I'd also like to go to bingo with my mom on Saturday morning because there's a $10,000 card that I'd kind of like to win. I'd also like to sew... but I've been wanting to do that for weeks now and just never get to it.
We're enjoying Roll Up The Rim To Win season here. Cindy drives me to work almost every morning and we stop at Tim Hortons to get our steeped tea. Gotta start our day off right ya know!
I seldom win on these cups, but I did win a free coffee/tea the other day. I was very excited. I enjoyed my free tea very much today.

And last Thursday or Friday I was on the receiving end of a Random Act of Kindness! When we got to the window to pay for our tea, the lady in the car ahead of us had already paid! SCORE! I was so excited.
Today I broke down and went to buy bigger underwear. My belly is very round and my regular underwear are cutting into me. I love new underwear. I love it like I love cookies and Spring.
It has been forever and a day since I took part in my dear friend Mama M's Five Question Friday!

1. Have you ever testified in court? For what?
I haven't testified in a courtroom, but I did go as far as discovery. I was very angry to be there and didn't bother to hide my feelings. When I was 18 I was sideswiped by a transport truck on a major highway. It sent our car spinning until we stopped facing oncoming traffic. He claimed that I drifted into his lane and caused the accident, and that as a result he suffered a severe back injury. He sued me for a million dollars. Years had passed before we made it to discovery and a lot of details were forgotten. Long story short, he didn't win and ended up having to pay back thousands and thousands of dollars in benefits because it was proven that he lied.
You reap what you sow, my friends.
2. Do you still have your wedding dress?
I do. I tried leaving it at my mother's house and had success for several years, but then she evicted it and now it's hanging in my laundry room. I never had it preserved and it smells rather funky 15 years later. I don't know if it's too late to save the dress at this point. I can't throw it out because I paid $1,500 for it. Talk about STUPID.
3. Is there a special place you like to go when you're happy, sad, stressed, etc.?
Home makes everything feel better, doesn't it? And it's a great place to be happy too.
4. If you have kids, do they sleep with you? If you don't have kids...will you let your kids sleep with you when/if you have them?
Nope, our children don't sleep with us. I had a fleeting moment when Sam was first here when I thought we should try co-sleeping and Ian nixed that ASAP. I'm glad he did because it isn't the safest thing to do. I'm a very heavy sleeper and I'd probably roll over and squish my peeps. Also, it's not a good habit to get into IMO. Parents need privacy and children need to be able to sleep on their own. I know that a lot of people co-sleep and that's their choice. It's just not something I support.
5. Do you watch late night TV?
Nope. I can barely stay awake until 10pm! I'm sure once the baby comes I'll be up all hours of the night and will become very familiar with late night tv!
Great questions, Mama M!
Head on over to Mama M's blog My Little Life to join in on the fun!

Yay! Another anti cosleeper!
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome, Kate! I love that you're posting more often. I miss you when you're gone. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm an accidental co-sleeper! Never made a conscious choice for or against it...it just happend! Oh well...I figure I'll get my bed all to myself in approximately 5-6 years, when our babe decides to stop climbing in our bed in the dead of the night. (I'm just too dang lazy to move her after she climbs in...and, sometimes she starts there...)
ReplyDeleteI can hope...right?!
I'm with you on the sleeping thing. So nice that you were blessed by free tea! Great way to jump start the day!
ReplyDeletehome is my favorite place to be I am now following you please feel welcome to come over to my blog at http://shopannies.blogspot.com and see my answers
ReplyDeleteFree tea! That is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI accidently became a co-sleeper and it was a fight, lots of stickers, and lots of prizes to be co-sleeping free!
Congrats on the pregnancy...praying for you. (thanks for your prayers, I have major gallstones)
Home is my happy place too! I agree with you on co-sleeping. Our daughter will climb into bed with me in the early morning hours to snuggle, as Yohn is usually up already in his morning routine so there is a warm place in the bed waiting for someone to fill it. But other than that sleep in you own bed my dears. Unless they have a nightmare, then sometimes they are allowed to stay, but just for one night.
ReplyDeleteAfter 13 years I still have my dress too, but I probably haven't looked at it in at least 10.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who's husband said no way to having kids in their bed!!! And also glad to know I'm not the only one who has their wedding dress just hanging around having nothing done with it!! :) Hope you start feeling better soon, being sick when preggo is absolutely the worst!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat questions and great answers!
ReplyDeleteI too love home! :)
Home is my happy place too! I agree with you on co-sleeping. Our daughter will climb into bed with me in the early morning hours to snuggle, as Yohn is usually up already in his morning routine so there is a warm place in the bed waiting for someone to fill it. But other than that sleep in you own bed my dears. Unless they have a nightmare, then sometimes they are allowed to stay, but just for one night.
ReplyDeleteAfter 13 years I still have my dress too, but I probably haven't looked at it in at least 10.
Free tea! That is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI accidently became a co-sleeper and it was a fight, lots of stickers, and lots of prizes to be co-sleeping free!
Congrats on the pregnancy...praying for you. (thanks for your prayers, I have major gallstones)
I'm with you on the sleeping thing. So nice that you were blessed by free tea! Great way to jump start the day!
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome, Kate! I love that you're posting more often. I miss you when you're gone. :(