Share the eternal hope of God's promises with the special little girl in your life.
His promises are forever true;
So put you hope in His words-
They were written just for you!
We can trust God to do what he promised.
Hebrews 10:23 (ICB)
The Bible verses in this book offer comfort and encouragement when young girls need reassurance of God's protection, love, and forgiveness. As children see again and again that Scripture has the answers they need, they will learn to rely on God and His promises. The promise verses have been selected form the International Children's Bible.
This little book of scripture promises is a fantastic resource to have on hand when their little ones are facing struggles or just have questions. Geared towards 4-8 year olds, it is easy to read and understand.
The Table of Contents is broken down into sections so that children can easily thumb through to find what they are looking for.
Topics include:
You Need Help
Growing Up Is Hard
He Is Your Friend
The Woman You'll Grow Up To Be
God Will Answer Your Prayers
Being A Good Daughter
Praying For Your Family
Whatever your child is facing, struggling or wondering about, this book will have a few applicable verses and a poem that goes with it. It would also make for an easy devotional tool for children as well.
I plan to leave this book out on the coffee table for my own daughters to find, with the hopes of great discussions to follow.

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