I like it because I can earn airmiles just for using it. Not that I plan to fly anywhere of course. But the miles can be converted into free movie passes or grocery certificates. I'm alllll about freebies, baby.
I've been a little frustrated with their motto "American Express...don't leave home without it..." because a lot of places don't actually accept it. (Hello Pizza Hut..I'm talking about you here)But for the most part, American Express and I have been BFFs.
Yesterday they kicked it up a notch. I got a call from their fraud department inquiring about two gas purchases on my card the day before that raised some flags with them.
I told them I had only purchased gas once that day.
Me: I purchased $30 worth of gas, then went inside and bought the children some snacks.
Him: Did use your card any time after that?
Me: No.
Him: Are you sure?
Me: Positive!
Him: So you didn't go to Michaels Craftstore?
Me: Oh yes! I had a 50% coupon and so I bought one of those spinny things you put your cake on so you can decorate it. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Him: Right. And how about Walmart? $7.00 at Walmart?
Me: Yes! Guinea Pig food!
Him: Did you then go anywhere else?
Me: I definitely went home after that.
Him: You didn't then go to purchase gas again?
Me: No sir.
He then told me that my card had been compromised and that someone else had tried to use it to buy gas. I couldn't believe it. He said the charge had been denied because two gas purchases in one day raised a flag with them and so they declined the purchase.
This had happened to us a couple of years ago. Ian is a magician, and during his busiest time of the year he will often have to go back and forth across the city to get to his various bookings. The first time he purchased gas twice in the same day they froze my card until they could reach me. Since then it hadn't happened.
So, he cancelled my card and said a new one would be reissued in 7-10 business days. I asked him if he could tell me which gas station this occurred at and he said no, he could just give me a store number. I called Ian to tell him what happened, then decided I wanted to know that store number so I could call their head office, get the location and go in and give them a piece of my mind.
I called American Express back and after going through their question screening, I asked my question. While he was looking up the location we talked about how this could have happened. I told him my card is never out of my sight. Our conversation went like this:
Him2: Do you ever shop online?
Me: No.
Him2: Never? How about itunes?
Me: Oh yes, itunes...
Him2: What about Feedjit? What's a feedjit?
Me: Yep, Feedjit. It's what bloggers use to track traffic to their blog.
Him2: Oh you blog?
Me: Yep. I don't want to brag, but I'm a pretty famous blogger. (Oh please, let me dream a little)
I think he was kind of excited to be talking to a famous blogger.
Him2: Impressive! (insert guilt here) Looks like your card has either been copied or cloned. Where do you live?
I told him my city and province, and he said my card was used in Quebec.
Me: Quebec!?
Him2: It's probably part of a ring and the trend we're seeing is the stolen card numbers are being tested in Quebec.
Me: A ring? Like in the news?
Him2: Just like in the news.
Me: Well. I was all ready to go in there and take them down, you know?
Him2: Oh no ma'am, just let us here at the Fraud Department handle it. You don't want to get involved with something like this.
Me: I'm not gonna lie... this is a little exciting.
Him2: (laughing) How so?
Me: I'm a stay-at-home mom, so a little drama is always nice to break the routine, you know?
We then talked about how I could get my new card faster and he said it would likely arrive in about 3 business days.
Me: Whew. I rely pretty heavily on that card you know.
Him2: Yes, I see that. Walmart...? (laughing)
Me: Oh hush!
So there you go. My exciting credit card fraud attempt in colour. I am so impressed that they have things in place to catch things like this!
We buy a few things online, but from (what I thought were) reputable sites. The only thing I can think of that sticks out is my recent Feedjit subscription, so I cancelled it.
Now I won't know who does (or doesn't) stalk my blog. Just as well, I suppose. There were a couple of IP addresses that visit my blog several times a day and it was a little spooky.
Happy Friday peeps!

Dang...you are too cute! I'll betcha made that guy's day!!
ReplyDeleteSo...you know, yesterday? Yeah...I got a tweet from a certain @katianb who said she was gonna vlog. (Don't correct me...my eyes see what they want...and I don't recall a "maybe" or a "might" in there anywhere. You can't prove it.)
Waiting. For a Kate vlog.
Or not.
This story makes me laugh inside. Not outside... just inside.
ReplyDeleteFunny, but makes me that much happier we don't use/have credit cards.
ReplyDeletethat is a little scarry and I would love to see your blog, this sounds like a great story to vlog about
ReplyDeleteI visit your blog several times a day! Did not mean to scare ya ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is too crazy!! You would think something like that would be a reputable sight?! SO glad they got it worked out and you got a new card. Even more glad that you prob made that guys day.. you are too funny!
Thanks for making me smile today :) Have a good Sat night!
Loved reading this story - it is always stressful to me to call the credit card company, but it sounds like you and the guy had a few laughs at least!
ReplyDeletesaw your post on the fencepost and thought i'd come read about your experience after Mama M said it was funny. and it is, i use site meter(http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=home) it's free, and it will tell you all sorts of fun stuff about who looks at your site! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad they caught it and have taken care of it. I'm always scared of stuff like this happening to me. I'm so glad DH and I are trying to go credit card free! But we do have a debt card, and that can be used as a credit card, and I always worry about that...anyways, thanks for the laugh, sorry it happened though!
Oh Kate, you just know how to put a funny spin on stuff that would be freaking me out! You are such a gift! Reminds me of a story I'd hear Beth Moore tell at Bible Study!
ReplyDeletesaw your post on the fencepost and thought i'd come read about your experience after Mama M said it was funny. and it is, i use site meter(http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=home) it's free, and it will tell you all sorts of fun stuff about who looks at your site! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad they caught it and have taken care of it. I'm always scared of stuff like this happening to me. I'm so glad DH and I are trying to go credit card free! But we do have a debt card, and that can be used as a credit card, and I always worry about that...anyways, thanks for the laugh, sorry it happened though!
Loved reading this story - it is always stressful to me to call the credit card company, but it sounds like you and the guy had a few laughs at least!
ReplyDeleteOh Kate, you just know how to put a funny spin on stuff that would be freaking me out! You are such a gift! Reminds me of a story I'd hear Beth Moore tell at Bible Study!