We have questions. Real, important, and challenging questions. Questions about sex, finances, and forgiveness. Unsettling questions regarding illness, suicide and eternity. Don't we crave answers to these queries that tug on the deepest parts of our hearts?
How should I discipline my kids?
Any advice for my struggling marriage?
Why do I worry so much?
How do I know what God's will for me really is?
If you're anything like me, you have a lot of questions about things, but don't always know where to go in the Bible for answers to find out what God has to say about you question.
This book is fantastic. Broken down into seven chapters entitled Hope, Hurt, Help, Him/Her, Home, Haves/Have-Nots and Hereafter, Max covers just about every question you could ask, complete with applicable Bible verses.
I enjoy his writing style very much, and he didn't disappoint with this book. He answers each question with love and grace, and uses applicable instances from the Bible to help explain each question. It's full of Max's insight and wisdom.
172 questions and answers. Amazing. This book even has a topical index on each subject so you can quickly find the page for your question, as well as a Scriptual index if you wanted to look up a particular verse.
This book will have a permanent place on my bookshelf. I know I'll be referring to it over and over again, and will encourage my children to look through it as well.
If you have questions about your life's circumstances and you want to make Godly choices, I strongly recommend you pick up this book.
Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson.

We just stocked that book in our church store. Glad to know it is a helpful one.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great book!