I'm not sure what was going on with me last Easter, but I completely missed feeling the whole meaning of it all. It was just another holiday.
I hated that so much.
This year though... wow. I felt the burden and sadness of Good Friday, and the weight of what Christ took on for us. For me. For you.
Friday morning we took the children to church and went to the children's service. Our new-ish youth pastor did a fantastic job of telling the story of Christ's crucifixion in a way that kept all of the children's attention.
Afterwards we headed home for lunch and naps. Late in the afternoon I put a pot of eggs on to boil and was reminded yet again how challenging it is for me to produce a properly boiled egg! No matter, they worked out. I wasn't sure if Sam and Julie would still be interested in decorating eggs, but they were all over it.
Growing up we always decorated hard boiled eggs. Ian likes his raw so he can blow out the yoke and then decorate it. We did both this year. Jordan was all over it too. Afterwards we picked up a pizza and watched a movie together.
Saturday Ian and I ran Easter errands in the morning, then we all went to visit his parents in the afternoon for dinner.
I was so excited on Sunday morning! To wake and know that it was Easter Sunday was so exciting and I couldn't wait to get to church to worship the risen Lord. The kids did their Easter hunt, then we headed out to church.
Fabulous, joyful and heartfelt worship filled our morning. I was so happy.
After lunch and a nap we headed over to my mom's for a delicious ham dinner.
I hated going back to work on Monday morning! And having Jordan follow me to the front door asking me to stay home with her didn't help.
I don't have any Easter pictures to share with you because I was just too busy enjoying myself with my family.
Not much going on 'round these parts. I'll be 32 weeks pregnant on Saturday. Time is really beginning to move quickly now.
How was YOUR Easter?

Our Easter was FANTASTIC! It felt extra special here, too! Everything seemed to be so well focused on where it should be, too! It's nice to have those refreshing times where all distractions fall aside and our attention can be fully given to Christ!
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely! And wowzers...32 weeks? We labor and delivery nurses always breathed a sigh of relief when we 32 weeks...it's a great milestone to hit! Have a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely! And wowzers...32 weeks? We labor and delivery nurses always breathed a sigh of relief when we 32 weeks...it's a great milestone to hit! Have a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteOur Easter was FANTASTIC! It felt extra special here, too! Everything seemed to be so well focused on where it should be, too! It's nice to have those refreshing times where all distractions fall aside and our attention can be fully given to Christ!