Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Already!?

The Fakers have a PD day today so they're home with me. Kid One is playing video games, Kid Two is working on a craft at my kitchen table and Kid Three is fighting against her nap.

I have a very long "To Do" list today. I've already completed a few things but like I said... it's long. I expect to hear my washer and dryer crying for mercy by the end of the day.

Still fighting this oncoming cold. I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a truck. I can't be sick! Not this weekend of all weekends! Amanda is arriving tomorrow and I am so excited to see her and her little daughter.

Last night's Girls Club was so much fun. We did a bunch of relays and the girls had such a good time. A devotion and video followed and once again, come the end of the evening I was sad to see them go.

Two girls begged me to be their chaperone for their upcoming field trip! Lots of hugs from all of them. I have been thinking of them so much this morning and so many of them aren't from our church, they come from within the community. It's a great outreach for them for sure. But I only get to see them on Thursdays and I miss them in between. I wonder what they are doing and I pray for them.

Tonight is family night :-) Ian will be with the Youth Group so it's just The Herd and me. Julie wants to make pizza but Sam wants to order it.

Decisions, decisions...


  1. hope you are feeling better soon. and i hear ya with the 'to do' list. mine never ends, i swear.

  2. My, my, my...what's this world coming to when you start referring to your children as "Kids" and "The Herd"? LOL

    {{Hugs}} Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. What movie are you watching tonight?

    I rented Tink last weekend, and you're right - I like her more now! :D

    I do hope you can kick this mini-cold soon - hugs (non-germy, from-afar type hugs ;) ). :)

  4. So, what was the final verdict on the pizza? We did homemade!

  5. We watched Evan Almighty and ordered the pizza ;-)

  6. My, my, my...what's this world coming to when you start referring to your children as "Kids" and "The Herd"? LOL

    {{Hugs}} Hope you have a great weekend!
