Friday, January 08, 2010

5QF ~ January 8

Hip Hip Hooray!! It's Friday!

I love Fridays because that means Family Night. Pizza, a movie and togetherness.

I also love Fridays because.....

You know what's coming, don't ya?

Mama M's Five Question Friday!

And today's questions are...(drum roll please!)

1. What's your "comfort food"?

Talk about creepy. I was just talking about this with my mom today. It's definitely mashed potatoes and corn, smothered in gravy. Oh.Yum. Seriously, is there any bad feeling that a hot bowl of mashed potatoes, corn and gravy can't fix?

I submit that there is not.

2. Do you send Thank Yous (handwritten or email)?

It's always my preference to send a handwritten Thank You note whenever possible. I think it gives it a personal touch. I don't like sending emailed Thank Yous, nor do I like to receive one that way.

3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

Easy. I'd chose to be trapped in 90210 because I need to straighten out some of those kids. First of all, I'd let that Teddy character know that he isn't fooling anyone, trying to pretend he is a teenager. He's in his 30's in real life and I'm on to him. He's creeping me out.

I'd also tell Naomi to keep her clothes on and to quit sleeping with every guy she likes. She's sending a bad message to teenage girls everywhere, and Liam is hot so settle down and just chillax already. I'd tell Navid that he needs to move on from Adriana, and tell Debbie that Harry is going to fool around with Kelly, just wait for it. I'd tell Dixon that he isn't going to find anyone sweeter than Silver, even though she's a bit of a head-case and I'd tell Annie to smarten up and quit being annoying and talking so rudely to everyone or else I will wash her mouth out with soap.

Yeah, I watch 90210 every week. Don't hate. Don't judge. I bet you do too.

4. What is your favorite online recipe site?

I don't go online for recipes. I use my own and ones that I steal from family to pass off as my own.

5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?

I've never been a Friends follower. I've enjoyed the occasional episode but a lot of the characters were annoying.

Now Seinfeld... It was such a laid back show filled with nothingness that made me laugh every time.

Want to play too? Answer the questions and link up to Mama M's blog to join in on the fun. No blog? No worries! Just leave your answers in the comments so I can read 'em.

Thanks again, Mama M!



  1. Mashed potatoes and gravy...oh, that sounds sooo good!

    Can you believe I have NEVER watched an episode of 90210? Don't hate, K! Just wasn't my thing, I guess :-)

  2. Haha! I love your answer to #3! I have never watched 90210.

  3. well no I havent watched the new 90210 but if I did I feel like I could catch up pretty quickly LOL

  4. Whoa, what have I been doing my whole life!?! Obviously NOT watching 90210, but apparently I should have been...sounds juicy! :)

  5. When you say mashed potatoes, corn and you mean all together? If so, then you must like Shepherd's I do. I LOVE it, but never make it because my husband doesn't like the stuff together. He likes all the ingredients separate, but not together. Hmph!

  6. Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only person above the age of 20 who watched the new 90210!! I LOVED your response. Annie is annoying me this season too. I hope Kelly is on the show more...we'll just have to wait and see. I hope Jen is gone for good though.
    Do you watch One Tree Hill also? That's my favorite- it was also the answer to my own 5QF. Have a great night:)

  7. Ha!! Love your 90210 bit! So, basically, different characters 15 years later...same story?

    Love it!

  8. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    I guess not everyone has to like pioneer woman. :)
    Well, i've actually never watched 90210. It sounds like a soap opera....not that I don't watch one of those...ahem, because I do. :-)

  9. I totally loved your 90210 bit. I watch it every week and I agree that Annie is annoying this season.

  10. I totally loved your 90210 bit. I watch it every week and I agree that Annie is annoying this season.

  11. Whoa, what have I been doing my whole life!?! Obviously NOT watching 90210, but apparently I should have been...sounds juicy! :)

  12. Ha!! Love your 90210 bit! So, basically, different characters 15 years later...same story?

    Love it!

  13. Haha! I love your answer to #3! I have never watched 90210.
