Friday, March 05, 2010

5QF - March 5

Want to join in? Head on over to Mama M's blog My Little Life!

Happy Friday!



  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!! You make me so happy. All through this I was like, ME TOO, and oh I have to remember to talk about that and REALLY?? I am the SAME way!! And, "I just adore my "eek" saying and "aboot" saying Canada friend!!

    You rock. I am starting a petition for an EVERY SINGLE DAY vlog from you. I am not kidding.

  2. Happy weekend! You are so cute and sweet. I speak whining and complaining too. hehe Oh I also like m&m's I don't eat them very often but I do like them. Looks like you're feeling better you better get going on the shred with me I am feeling all alone over here!

  3. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks so much! So much better as a VLOG...I was laughing out loud! :) Too cute!

  4. are beyond cute!!

    And your hair is rockin!!

  5. are a doll!!! What was the little giggle for at the last question? 'Cuz you love M&M's so much?! I loved it!!

  6. Hi there.
    Stopping by via Friday Follow to say hello.
    M & M's huh?

    Have a great day!

  7. OMG! You are the best! I love when you got that smile on your face over M&M question.. they so do the same thing to me! I heart anything chocolate!

    Thanks so much for doing a vlog today.. that so just made my day a little brighter :)

  8. I want your hair...and your cuteness....and your accent...I just love you!!!

    Great vlog! Can't wait to see more!

  9. I'm riding the Lost train with you. It's just too exciting to stop watching now!

    I love that you became all giddy over M&M's. They should make those part of a mommy survival pack or something.

    Love the vlogging!!!

  10. What a surprise LOL Loved watching it. Vlogger!! Woohoo! Shall we be seeing more?
    And yes...I love the hair!

  11. Anonymous1:37 p.m.

    I love this! You are awesome!

    Do I hear birds?

    PS. You are gorgeous and I love the accent! I want one that people don't automatically know I'm from the mid-west...

  12. You are simply fantastic! I need to know where to sign on the Vlog Every SINGLE Day petition!!!!!!!!!! I'm so on that train!!!! hehehe you're so funny!! You made me giggle, and I like to giggle!!! Also, I don't think you EVER have a bad hair day cuz you always look so fabulous!!

  13. Kate! I love the vlog! By the way, the M&M question was thought of by me...and I was eating them when I put the question on her community. I do not descriminate M&M flavors either. :)

  14. I love love love your vlogs!!!!!

    Keep 'em comin'.

  15. Oh my goodness...I LOVE you!! There is no possible way you could get any cuter, ever! I seriously smiled through this whole thing, you are awesome. Please do more vlogs, I demand it! Thank you. :)

  16. You're the cutest ever. I love M&M's too. But I really like the original the best. Just can't improve perfection.

  17. Anonymous1:10 a.m.

    You're so awesome! I wish I had the courage to do a vlog post! They are so much fun to watch!

  18. I am very fluent in whining and complaining too! Ha!

    Love it!! And again so jealous of your gorgeous hair!

  19. Good Afternoon! Happy Friday Follow! (on Saturday-lol) I am your newest follower. Come visit me :) and have a great weekend! Shoot me an email if you'd like me to subscribe, twitter or facebook.

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  20. You guys are so great. Seriously. It's so hard to put youself "out there", you know? I'm glad you get a kick out of my vlogs :-)

  21. So stinking cute! I love your vlogs! I love love love "seeing" you! Neat! Your accent is adorable! I love too, that you have Willow's kong on your desk? What's that about? I'm also not a shoe girl - I have about 10 pairs of Old Navy flipflops and a pair of Target boots and a pair of sneakers that I NEVER wear... and a pair of heels. That's really it. I'd rather be barefoot. And I've never watched Lost, but I do watch like, 8 million other series. So lame of me.

  22. I love the idea of doing this by video blog! :) Great job...

  23. Good Afternoon! Happy Friday Follow! (on Saturday-lol) I am your newest follower. Come visit me :) and have a great weekend! Shoot me an email if you'd like me to subscribe, twitter or facebook.

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  24. You're so awesome! I wish I had the courage to do a vlog post! They are so much fun to watch!

  25. I am very fluent in whining and complaining too! Ha!

    Love it!! And again so jealous of your gorgeous hair!
