Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Birthday Wish

Tomorrow is my 40th birthday.

40 is the new 30 you know.

At least that's what they say.

I long ago decided that I didn't want a party or gifts to celebrate this milestone.

Instead, I decided that I wanted to celebrate by doing 40 random acts of kindness for others in my community.

What's that? A great idea, you say?

I agree. But I can't take credit for it. This beauty of an idea came from the amazing Robyn at MixMingleGlow. She did 38 random acts of kindness to celebrate her 38th birthday last year and I fell in love with the idea.

The Lord has blessed me with a beautiful life and has given me so much more than I deserve.

I need to give back.

The thoughts of a huge party just seems so selfish to me in light of all that I have. I want to do something.

It will take me about a week to carry out all my plans and my beautiful family and I will be doing them together. I'll blog about it once I've completed all 40.

I have a birthday wish that I would truly love for you to be a part of.

Tomorrow, will you share in my birthday and do a random act of kindness for someone in your community? It doesn't have to be anything huge or expensive, just something kind for someone else.

Then.... will you tell me about it?

I'd love to add your acts of kindness to my blog post to share with everyone.

I believe that one act of kindness leaves beautiful ripples, and more people are blessed than just the original person. It pays itself forward.

I can't wait to see that happen. God's blessings flowing forward.

It will be beautiful.



  1. Why, Blessings to YOU too! o.O

  2. This is amazing! I would love to participate!! It is the least I could do since I wont be there to help you up there :)

  3. Happy 40th birthday to you Kate! I promise to do a random act of kindness and hope I can remember to let you know ;) If I forget to tell you, please know that I still did, on your behalf, and I wish you the best in the coming year. Don't be afraid of 40. It's all good :)

  4. WOW!! Beautiful post! I LOVE this idea. I'll have to do some brainstorming...if you've got any ideas feel free to throw them this way! :)

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm so lucky to have met you this past year...I hope you have the most special birthday yet!

  5. Happy Birthday!!! I guess I am 4 days older than you!

    I love this idea!

    Blessings to you as you give!

  6. Happy Early Birthday, Kate!! And yes, I'd love to join in....what a wonderful idea! But secretly I hope you get a few special surprises to help you celebrate the wonderful person you are!! Hugs and love!

  7. Happy Birthday! I love love love this idea!! I think I'll do it for my birthday as well

  8. I totally agree, the ripple effect...love it! Many many blessings to you on your birthday! {hugs}

  9. Anonymous9:18 p.m.

    I LOVE it Kate..

    I don't know what I'll do, but I'll come up with something..

    Happy almost 40th..have a blessed blessed day!

    I can't wait to hear all about your 40 acts of kindness!


  10. Nearly every morning, I pay for the persn behind me in the Timmy's line-up...does that count?

  11. What a super great idea!!! We'll jump in!
    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day of celebrating (by giving) with your family! You're a sweetheart and your family is blessed to have you as the Queen Mama!

  12. ;o) If I tell you what I'm doing, will you PROMISE you won't holler at me? It's for the elderly... but there's no correlation between that fact and the fact that it's your birthday - I PROMISE!!! Our church bulletin on Sunday said that home-bound and bereaved seniors in our area were in need of toiletry kits so Jack and I went to (your fave store:) Walmart last night and bought shampoo, soap, hand sanitizer, lotion, deodorant, shaving cream, body wash, mouthwash and chapstick to put into pink and blue baggies to take to them. We made 10 in all - does that count as 1 or 10 acts? :-p Happy Birthday dear Kate!

  13. that is such a amazing idea.

  14. First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    Second, I saw that post last year too, and I loved it! I'm so glad you're doing it as well.

    Third, this was my random acts of kindness for today - 1) Got up early and made breakfast for my husband. 2)Printed out an extra coupon for my sister-in-law and met her at the store so she could get an extra 15% off already clearance prices. 3)I'm bringing my mother in law a dinner tonight since she's newly home from a hip replacement. 4) I purchased some REALLY CUTE clothes on clearance (see #2...I was already there...might as well shop!)for my frend's kids and my newly pregnant sister-in-law and sent them out in the mail.

    Ok...I think that's it....for today. :)

    Happy Birthday!!!

  15. Anonymous8:12 p.m.

    In honor of your birthday my random act was...
    Yesterday I bought a used book "Push" from the movie Precious. And the cashier wished that she had noticed that they had it on the shelves. So, today I drove back to that store to give her the book I bought yesterday. I haven't read it..but I knew it would brighten her day. She wasn't working today so I had to do quite a bit of descibing of yesterdays cashier and explaining of your birthday wish.Thank you for making my heart smile Kate. I love you & happy birthday. bobzmom2002@hotmail.com Trudi

  16. Mission started and partly accomplished! I figured out how to make satin posies for brooches and hair clips--and I'm going to give them away! So far, two have been given and the rest all have recipients chosen! Thanks for encouraging GIVING!

  17. Okay...my RAOK wasn't as great as I thought it was gonna be, but I helped a friend out with an essay that she needs to apply to midwifery school! I really, really didn't want to do it...but then I thought of you, and decided I should!

    There was, however, another opportunity I had...the nice man in front of me in the cafeteria line offered to buy my supper because his dear old aunt was holding up the line. Maybe I should've taken him up on it, you know, just to be nice. ;)

  18. That is such an awesome idea Kate, regardless of who thought of it! I can't wait to see your list, I wish I would have done this for my 40th.

    By the way...I thought you were MUCH younger than me, like in your early thirties, lol. But you are right, 40 is the new 30. I am not sure I would want it to be the new 20...my twenties were full of bad decisions, lol.

  19. Happy belated birthday, Kate! :)

  20. Okay...my RAOK wasn't as great as I thought it was gonna be, but I helped a friend out with an essay that she needs to apply to midwifery school! I really, really didn't want to do it...but then I thought of you, and decided I should!

    There was, however, another opportunity I had...the nice man in front of me in the cafeteria line offered to buy my supper because his dear old aunt was holding up the line. Maybe I should've taken him up on it, you know, just to be nice. ;)
