Julie has yet another crush. She liked *N* back in JK and recently he professed his interest in her and hers was rekindled. Apparently all their friends think they are a great couple.
[insert deep and exhausted sigh here]
Ian gave her the youre-much-too-young-for-boys talk again tonight. I'm sure she thinks we're the meanest parents on the planet.
Works for me if it keeps the boys away.
She asked me a question that caught me off guard yesterday. "Mom, is it true that when a girl says no she really means yes?"
What the....??
I asked her who told her something like that. "*P* told me. He said that when a girl says no she really means yes."
Sweet mercy. Are you kidding me?
"No sweetheart. No means no. All the time."
And if that wasn't enough, she also told me that a different boy told her she was sexy.
Lord, help me.
Speaking of my sweet Julie, we bought her a new hamster to love. His name is Diamond Dan.
Remember this post? Diamond Dan tried to pull a prison break like Sam's previous hamster Sunny did before him. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning on Sunday to scratching noises. I woke Ian up telling him something was under the bed so he got up to look and sure enough it was Diamond Dan.
Of all places.
Diamond Dan is lucky Max the cat didn't eat him as an appetizer.
I am very excited about the new shampoo and conditioner Ian brought home for me the other day. SunSilk. My hair looks and feels great and I look H-O-T.
That sounded like a commercial. Except for the hot part.
I had to buy toilet paper the other day and the price of it kills me. That has to be on my top 10 most annoying things of all time. Why does it cost so much, considering what it's used for??
That's all I have to say about that.
Well, that and I'm watching you Toilet Paper Companies...I'm watching you...
Ian and I watched Extreme Home Makeover last night featuring the Huber Family. I cry every time I see this show because it's just so awesome how they help a family out. Last night's tears were for the chicken coop they made for the chickens. I didn't cry about the house this time, just the chicken coop.
PMS...oh how I love you...
Ian buried the two deceased hamsters and the bird in the ravine yesterday and made little crosses to mark their places. We all headed out to have a little funeral for them.
I totally got the seriousness of the situation, but something just struck me as funny when Ian closed his prayer with "...and we commit these little pets to you Lord..." that just made me giggle inside.
Ian said that the three little crosses, side by side, looked like Animal Calvary.
I loved that he fashioned little crosses. He is such a good father.
In closing, I would just like to jot out a complaint that it is only the end of September and Walmart not only has Hallowe'en stuff out but Christmas decorations as well.
Oh Walmart...if I didn't love you so much I'd hate you...