Julie tells me that she had the best day ever on Tuesday, because that was when she fell in love. It's with the dude that punched her in the face last year and left big bruises all along her cheekbone and eye. Nice. I shouldn't worry because on Thursday she told me she has TWO boyfriends now. I tried to explain to her that a) she is still too young for boyfriends and b) one at a time is appropriate. She said that with two there is more love. I think she has the makings of a polygamist. She was thrilled to report that the two of them spent most of Friday fighting over her.
Apparently things are going to warm up again this weekend....in preparation for another storm to hit us next week. We're running out of room to put the snow once we shovelled.
Jen has convinced me to try tanning. Now that I've decided to do it, I can't wait to go.
My "lifestyle change" took quite a beating this past week. I basically fell off the wagon on Saturday (...and Sunday....and if I'm being honest...Monday too) so this week has been all about losing the pounds I put on in those three days. BRUTAL! Nothing like working hard to lose weight you already lost. Anyway, I lost them again and one new pound so... GAME ON!
We're heading off to the mall in an hour because I need a new purse. I still have some birthday money and gift cards and I'm ready to shop. I buy a purse once every 10 years and today is the day for a new one. Purse shopping is high on my frustration scale, as is shoe shopping and bathing suit shopping....
We're also going to Toys R Us. I would rather rip out my own eyes than go there on any given day, but to make the trip sweeter, we're doing it on a SATURDAY!
I must remember to pack my Tylenol in the purse that will soon cease to be.
Julie is freaking me out quite a bit. She's puttering all over the house, cleaning up wherever she goes. I love it.
I'm off to open Mom's Diner. One wants eggs, one wants chocolate chip pancakes and the other one is getting toast.
Hope you have a good day. :-)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Today I wanted to throw myself down on the floor and roll around in the mother of all temper tantrums because I hate winter.
I want Spring....NOW!
So I changed my background to something summery in hopes it would lighten my crankasaurus mood.
Its not really working.
I want Spring....NOW!
So I changed my background to something summery in hopes it would lighten my crankasaurus mood.
Its not really working.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Picture Day
Today I visited with my mom for most of the day while Ian met with a headhunter. Sounds like things went very well for him there, so that is very encouraging.
This evening I headed over to Jen's to meet up with her and Cindy to help pack up the last of her apartment because Saturday is her moving day. I can't say we did much of anything...ok, Jen packed while Cindy and I camped out on her couch, talking. We did help her move her mattress and box spring out to the street for garbage day tomorrow. We were like frick and frack and frack2 trying to get those things outside and laughed so hard. But we did it!
I forgot to include these pics with my post from yesterday, so here they are.
This was Ian's cake. While I would love to tell you that I decorated this myself, I cannot lie. I bought it from Costco and it was very good.

Sam was so proud to carry it in...

Ok, here are the pictures I promised to take for you today. Please excuse the poor quality. Apparently taking pictures outside a school is somewhat creepy, so I had to do them on the down-low. That's how much you mean to me, my friends.
Here is the dancing crossing guard. She was actually waving her little stop sign to the beat of whatever goes on in her head. She's actually quite cute because she bundles up so much she can barely walk.

This is a "parking infractor". I don't know if "infractor" is even a word, but it counts as far as I am concerned. I counted 15 cars waiting behind this dude while he went wherever he went. So annoying. This isn't the guy I complain about normally, but he broke the cardinal rule of the kiss-n-ride... do not leave your vehicle!! Therefore he makes it to my blog.

Once upon a time I posted about wanting to volunteer to be the kiss-n-ride police. Look at the snazzy outfit I would be able to wear. And I'd carry a walkie talkie to report those who dared to break my rules.

I felt sorry for this bus driver even though he held me up for about 10 minutes. I think he was new. We had to all back up because he over shot the corner, had to back up, then over shot again. And I think he hit that grocery cart as well.

Jordan was in a very smily mood today so I got these quick shots of her...

I don't know what she is trying to accomplish here. My guess is that she is trying to eat her way to freedom. Good luck, Sweetie.

Would you just look at that face??

Apparently the weatherman is calling for 10-15 cm of snow to begin falling overnight. The kids have a PA day tomorrow - right smack dab in the middle of the week for the love of pete - so I may not even go out at all, even though that would mean missing Coffee Hour.
Decisions, decisions.
This evening I headed over to Jen's to meet up with her and Cindy to help pack up the last of her apartment because Saturday is her moving day. I can't say we did much of anything...ok, Jen packed while Cindy and I camped out on her couch, talking. We did help her move her mattress and box spring out to the street for garbage day tomorrow. We were like frick and frack and frack2 trying to get those things outside and laughed so hard. But we did it!
I forgot to include these pics with my post from yesterday, so here they are.
This was Ian's cake. While I would love to tell you that I decorated this myself, I cannot lie. I bought it from Costco and it was very good.

Sam was so proud to carry it in...

Ok, here are the pictures I promised to take for you today. Please excuse the poor quality. Apparently taking pictures outside a school is somewhat creepy, so I had to do them on the down-low. That's how much you mean to me, my friends.
Here is the dancing crossing guard. She was actually waving her little stop sign to the beat of whatever goes on in her head. She's actually quite cute because she bundles up so much she can barely walk.

This is a "parking infractor". I don't know if "infractor" is even a word, but it counts as far as I am concerned. I counted 15 cars waiting behind this dude while he went wherever he went. So annoying. This isn't the guy I complain about normally, but he broke the cardinal rule of the kiss-n-ride... do not leave your vehicle!! Therefore he makes it to my blog.

Once upon a time I posted about wanting to volunteer to be the kiss-n-ride police. Look at the snazzy outfit I would be able to wear. And I'd carry a walkie talkie to report those who dared to break my rules.

I felt sorry for this bus driver even though he held me up for about 10 minutes. I think he was new. We had to all back up because he over shot the corner, had to back up, then over shot again. And I think he hit that grocery cart as well.

Jordan was in a very smily mood today so I got these quick shots of her...

I don't know what she is trying to accomplish here. My guess is that she is trying to eat her way to freedom. Good luck, Sweetie.

Would you just look at that face??

Apparently the weatherman is calling for 10-15 cm of snow to begin falling overnight. The kids have a PA day tomorrow - right smack dab in the middle of the week for the love of pete - so I may not even go out at all, even though that would mean missing Coffee Hour.
Decisions, decisions.
Monday, January 26, 2009
No Title Due To A Severe Lack Of Creativity
I finally have a few moments to update my blog with the intensely exciting events of my life!
Saturday night was awesome! We gathered with 20 or so of our closest friends to celebrate Ian's 40th birthday. It was such a fun night with great friends, great food, lots of laughter and easy conversation. I would not have been able to put this party together without the help of Mom, Cindy and Jen. They helped me plan and keep on track with things. I can't thank them enough. I was so anxious in the days leading up the party because I wanted everything to be perfect for Ian. I don't think it could have turned out any better. It truly was a great party.
Yes, Cindy....you should be a party planner! ;-)
I learned something on Saturday afternoon. Apparently it's some sort of a faux pas to bring your children into the beer store. I didn't realize this, being that I don't really drink. (Remember...one drink I'm anyone's friend...2 or more and I'm everyone's friend?)I got a lot of dirty looks from the people in there. Oh well. One does what one must.
Sunday morning I headed off to church while Ian recuperated at home with our over-tired children. It was so strange to not have any little ones with me. The worship was so moving and our most excellent pastor talked about depression. Wow. There's a topic close to home. He did a really great job and even opened up the floor to people with questions or if they simply wanted to share. Lots of tears all around. I chose not to share my own story however.
This weather is killing me. I feel so blah, and I need all the blinds open just to get enough light into the house. Its only January...spring is so far away. I look outside in the morning and I just want to crawl back into bed.
Whine, whine, whine....grumble, grumble, grumble....
Bears have it made... they get to sleep all winter. If reincarnation was real - which for the record I don't think it is - then I would want to come back as a bear and sleep all winter. Or better yet...as a cat, then I could sleep all day. Ugh... I am tired all.the.time.
Ian held down the fort last night so I could head up to bed early last night. Early as in 6:40pm! (blush) I listed to my beloved iPod then read for awhile. Very relaxing.
This morning I drove the children to school, then Jordan and I picked up muffins and coffee for mom and dropped by for a visit. It was so good to sit and talk to her. Usually I am there every day, but I've been slacking a little bit in that area and I've been missing her. Her back continues to cause her pain, but as usual, she never complains.
I haven't updated my weight loss ticker in a few days because I haven't been doing so well these last few days. I knew I would "cheat" on Saturday because of the party, but Sunday...well...you see...it really wasn't my fault...that left-over birthday cake just would not stop calling my name.... And today, well, today I just wasn't hungry at all. I finally scrambled some eggs a couple of hours ago but they aren't sitting well.
Tomorrow is another day and I will get back on track. I promised myself. No beating myself up for the last couple of days - just get back on track. I feel so good when I'm not eating sugar and carbs.
Tomorrow morning Ian has an interview with a placement agency. They said they were very impressed by his resume. Please say a prayer for him!
The woman I co-lead Girls Club with is having some sort of issue with her knee and is currently on crutches, and quite possibly may not make it to this Thursday night's meeting, which means I'm in charge. I've been very content to follow her lead all along but now I'll have to step up. I can do it, it's just out of my comfort zone and I am feeling very nervous about it.
Tomorrow I'm going to bring my camera and take a picture of that dude that parks in the kiss-n-ride and I'm going to post it on here and expose him. Maybe I will also take a picture of the dancing crossing guard as well. Yes.. I think tomorrow should be Picture Day.
Yep, that's how tomorrow is going to roll.
Saturday night was awesome! We gathered with 20 or so of our closest friends to celebrate Ian's 40th birthday. It was such a fun night with great friends, great food, lots of laughter and easy conversation. I would not have been able to put this party together without the help of Mom, Cindy and Jen. They helped me plan and keep on track with things. I can't thank them enough. I was so anxious in the days leading up the party because I wanted everything to be perfect for Ian. I don't think it could have turned out any better. It truly was a great party.
Yes, Cindy....you should be a party planner! ;-)
I learned something on Saturday afternoon. Apparently it's some sort of a faux pas to bring your children into the beer store. I didn't realize this, being that I don't really drink. (Remember...one drink I'm anyone's friend...2 or more and I'm everyone's friend?)I got a lot of dirty looks from the people in there. Oh well. One does what one must.
Sunday morning I headed off to church while Ian recuperated at home with our over-tired children. It was so strange to not have any little ones with me. The worship was so moving and our most excellent pastor talked about depression. Wow. There's a topic close to home. He did a really great job and even opened up the floor to people with questions or if they simply wanted to share. Lots of tears all around. I chose not to share my own story however.
This weather is killing me. I feel so blah, and I need all the blinds open just to get enough light into the house. Its only January...spring is so far away. I look outside in the morning and I just want to crawl back into bed.
Whine, whine, whine....grumble, grumble, grumble....
Bears have it made... they get to sleep all winter. If reincarnation was real - which for the record I don't think it is - then I would want to come back as a bear and sleep all winter. Or better yet...as a cat, then I could sleep all day. Ugh... I am tired all.the.time.
Ian held down the fort last night so I could head up to bed early last night. Early as in 6:40pm! (blush) I listed to my beloved iPod then read for awhile. Very relaxing.
This morning I drove the children to school, then Jordan and I picked up muffins and coffee for mom and dropped by for a visit. It was so good to sit and talk to her. Usually I am there every day, but I've been slacking a little bit in that area and I've been missing her. Her back continues to cause her pain, but as usual, she never complains.
I haven't updated my weight loss ticker in a few days because I haven't been doing so well these last few days. I knew I would "cheat" on Saturday because of the party, but Sunday...well...you see...it really wasn't my fault...that left-over birthday cake just would not stop calling my name.... And today, well, today I just wasn't hungry at all. I finally scrambled some eggs a couple of hours ago but they aren't sitting well.
Tomorrow is another day and I will get back on track. I promised myself. No beating myself up for the last couple of days - just get back on track. I feel so good when I'm not eating sugar and carbs.
Tomorrow morning Ian has an interview with a placement agency. They said they were very impressed by his resume. Please say a prayer for him!
The woman I co-lead Girls Club with is having some sort of issue with her knee and is currently on crutches, and quite possibly may not make it to this Thursday night's meeting, which means I'm in charge. I've been very content to follow her lead all along but now I'll have to step up. I can do it, it's just out of my comfort zone and I am feeling very nervous about it.
Tomorrow I'm going to bring my camera and take a picture of that dude that parks in the kiss-n-ride and I'm going to post it on here and expose him. Maybe I will also take a picture of the dancing crossing guard as well. Yes.. I think tomorrow should be Picture Day.
Yep, that's how tomorrow is going to roll.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Poor Kate
I have a cold and I feel so lousy.
All together now... Poor Katie...
I am too tired to write much today, so I thought I'd share some recent pictures with you.
A visual image of my 10 lb loss. I'm pretty proud.

Jordan is pulling up on everything now which makes naptime difficult. If she doesn't feel like sleeping she just stands up and calls to us. Doesn't she look so pleased with herself?

Santa brought Jordan this music table and she just adores it. It's very noisy.

I just love her little face!

Ian bought this shirt for her and it makes me laugh.

Last night Cindy and I went over to Jen's apartment to help her pack because she's moving at the end of the month. This plaque was hanging on her wall and I just loved it.

That's it for today. I've been in bed all day but managed to make it to Girls Club tonight and now I'm exhausted.
All together now... Poor Katie...
I am too tired to write much today, so I thought I'd share some recent pictures with you.
A visual image of my 10 lb loss. I'm pretty proud.

Jordan is pulling up on everything now which makes naptime difficult. If she doesn't feel like sleeping she just stands up and calls to us. Doesn't she look so pleased with herself?

Santa brought Jordan this music table and she just adores it. It's very noisy.

I just love her little face!

Ian bought this shirt for her and it makes me laugh.

Last night Cindy and I went over to Jen's apartment to help her pack because she's moving at the end of the month. This plaque was hanging on her wall and I just loved it.

That's it for today. I've been in bed all day but managed to make it to Girls Club tonight and now I'm exhausted.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Bit Of This, Bit Of That
Even though I was dreading turning 38, I really enjoyed my birthday. I didn't do much of anything which was pretty sweet. Gotta love a day like that. Ian picked up dinner and an ice cream cake for dessert. I was worried about breaking from my "lifestyle change" (eventually I'm going to call it a diet, you know I am) and having too much dessert, so Ian bought a cupcake sized cheesecake just for me. Awesome. It was the best cheesecake I can remember ever eating. During dinner Cindy and Jen dropped by with balloons and gifts for me. I was so touched that they would do that. I love those ladies so much.
Please direct your eyes to my weight loss ticker above...9 lbs gone, my friends. One more to go until I reach my first goal. We were trying to explain to Sam what 10 lbs feels like, so Ian had him hold our 10 lb bag of potatoes. Then he was pretty impressed! I held it too, and while I know I've lost that weight, it didn't feel entirely real until I held that bag.
20 lbs...here I come.
The children have been very interested in the blanket that I am crocheting for my mother. Ian bought them their own crochet hooks and wool so they can do it too. It's so cute to see them concentrating so hard on their projects. Sam is working on a blanket and Julie is making a scarf. It's nice to see them doing something other than watching tv or playing video games, and I love having that special time together.
Poor Jordan had a rough night last night. She has this really bad cough that almost sounds like croup but isn't. Ian was up with her quite a bit during the night. She was better today but had a runny nose and I was forever wiping it. Glory, I can't stand to see a child with a runny nose!
I watched the inauguration today and while I get that it was a historical event, all I could think of was all the money that has been spent on this while the global economy is in such danger. Such excess! While I was not originally an Obama supporter being the die-hard conservative that I am, I do get a good feeling from him, and he seems ready to take charge of that country after the mess Bush has left it in. I appreciated the references to God and that he quoted from the Bible. Too bad he stands for things I just can't swallow.
Meanwhile, we Canadians breathlessly await (dread) what our own mess of a government will come up with at the end of this month.
Today I got a lovely surprise in the mail from Amanda. She sent me a beautiful necklace for my birthday. I love it. Thank you again, my dear friend.
I went to Costco with Cindy tonight and we spent an odd amount of time looking at all the things we would like to eat if we weren't on a diet. (There..I said it...DIEt...)
Tomorrow is Coffee Hour and I am seriously considering strapping on my new pedometer and walking to the church. I am strangely interested (obsessed?) in knowing how many steps it would take to get there. Of course it is below freezing so my curiosity may very well go unfulfilled.
Tomorrow night Cindy and I are going to Jen's to help her pack up her apartment. I don't know how much work we're going to get done...we tend to talk. A lot... I love Jen enough that I will voluntarily miss the season premiere of LOST.
Thank goodness for PVR.
Please direct your eyes to my weight loss ticker above...9 lbs gone, my friends. One more to go until I reach my first goal. We were trying to explain to Sam what 10 lbs feels like, so Ian had him hold our 10 lb bag of potatoes. Then he was pretty impressed! I held it too, and while I know I've lost that weight, it didn't feel entirely real until I held that bag.
20 lbs...here I come.
The children have been very interested in the blanket that I am crocheting for my mother. Ian bought them their own crochet hooks and wool so they can do it too. It's so cute to see them concentrating so hard on their projects. Sam is working on a blanket and Julie is making a scarf. It's nice to see them doing something other than watching tv or playing video games, and I love having that special time together.
Poor Jordan had a rough night last night. She has this really bad cough that almost sounds like croup but isn't. Ian was up with her quite a bit during the night. She was better today but had a runny nose and I was forever wiping it. Glory, I can't stand to see a child with a runny nose!
I watched the inauguration today and while I get that it was a historical event, all I could think of was all the money that has been spent on this while the global economy is in such danger. Such excess! While I was not originally an Obama supporter being the die-hard conservative that I am, I do get a good feeling from him, and he seems ready to take charge of that country after the mess Bush has left it in. I appreciated the references to God and that he quoted from the Bible. Too bad he stands for things I just can't swallow.
Meanwhile, we Canadians breathlessly await (dread) what our own mess of a government will come up with at the end of this month.
Today I got a lovely surprise in the mail from Amanda. She sent me a beautiful necklace for my birthday. I love it. Thank you again, my dear friend.
I went to Costco with Cindy tonight and we spent an odd amount of time looking at all the things we would like to eat if we weren't on a diet. (There..I said it...DIEt...)
Tomorrow is Coffee Hour and I am seriously considering strapping on my new pedometer and walking to the church. I am strangely interested (obsessed?) in knowing how many steps it would take to get there. Of course it is below freezing so my curiosity may very well go unfulfilled.
Tomorrow night Cindy and I are going to Jen's to help her pack up her apartment. I don't know how much work we're going to get done...we tend to talk. A lot... I love Jen enough that I will voluntarily miss the season premiere of LOST.
Thank goodness for PVR.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me!
That's right...today is my birthday! My 38th in fact.
Ugh... that hurts. Some days I feel like I'm still in my 20's.
Or is it that I act like I'm still in my 20's...??
No matter. Today is all about ME and I am loving it.
Ian got up with the children this morning and they brought me breakfast in bed. I lounged around reading and finally came downstairs just after noon.
Love a lazy day like this!
I wonder what this year will bring??
Ugh... that hurts. Some days I feel like I'm still in my 20's.
Or is it that I act like I'm still in my 20's...??
No matter. Today is all about ME and I am loving it.
Ian got up with the children this morning and they brought me breakfast in bed. I lounged around reading and finally came downstairs just after noon.
Love a lazy day like this!
I wonder what this year will bring??
Sunday, January 18, 2009
End Of The Weekend...
Its Sunday and I managed to keep all the kids alive and the house intact for Ian's return home this afternoon from his retreat.
Friday night was a late one... Sam was the winner, staying up until just after midnight. We all - including Jordan - slept in until 8:30! We puttered around until it was time to start getting Julie ready for soccer. She didn't want to play yesterday because her Daddy wasn't there to watch her, which set off another flood of tears because she missed him so much. So.. we decided to meet up with Cindy to see "Hotel For Dogs" at the theatre. The children loved it and Jordan slept through most of it.
Afterwards we headed over to my mom's for my pre-birthday dinner. I was a little worried about what was going to be served because I am on the Atkins plan, and I can only have 20 grams of carbs a day and am considerably restricted in what I can eat.
I shouldn't have worried because my most excellent mother had it all in hand. My sister cooked a ham with veggies and potatoes, and Mom made a salad. For dessert she made jello and stuck candles in it...
Way to go Mom! I didn't have to go off-plan at all! I was so appreciative that she took that into consideration for me.
Last night we stayed up watching Shrek 3 until just before midnight then crashed. We all woke up around 9:20. Sweet.
I was very excited to step on the scale this morning and to see another loss. I can't believe that 8 lbs are gone...hopefully forever. Very exciting. The only "cheat" I had this week was a breath mint... not bad Kate.
Before anyone floods my comment section or email with caution about the Atkins method of weight loss, please know that I have done this before with success, and it is perfectly healthy if done properly. Everyone seems to know someone with a bad story to tell about this method. It is the only one that works for me and so I will stick with it for as long as I can. I highly recommend it.
Poor Jordan is sick again. She started getting warm while we were at my mom's and it progressed very quickly. Mom tried to give her Tempra twice but both times she immediately threw it up. Her whole little body was so hot and her face so flushed. She slept fitfully during the night and at one point her breathing got very laboured and I was starting to get nervous. We have an AngelCare monitor hooked up under her mattress and that gives me great comfort. If she were to stop breathing for any reason for longer than 20 seconds an alarm would sound. I put on jeans and a t-shirt just in case I needed to take her somewhere,that's how worried I was...However, she is now sitting in her highchair eating Cheerios. She can't breathe through her nose at all and looks so funny, breathing like a neanderthal. However, as always, she is quick to smile.
I am working on something for my mother. I'm crocheting her a blanket, and every time I work on it I pray for her. She loves to sit in her chair in her room to read or watch tv, and I can envision her sitting with this prayer blanket over her lap, knowing she is loved. This will be a challenge for me because I have a history of unfinished craft projects. It's a great time for me to spend talking to the Lord, quietly and undisturbed.
Well the princess is calling, so I'll wrap this up for now.
Friday night was a late one... Sam was the winner, staying up until just after midnight. We all - including Jordan - slept in until 8:30! We puttered around until it was time to start getting Julie ready for soccer. She didn't want to play yesterday because her Daddy wasn't there to watch her, which set off another flood of tears because she missed him so much. So.. we decided to meet up with Cindy to see "Hotel For Dogs" at the theatre. The children loved it and Jordan slept through most of it.
Afterwards we headed over to my mom's for my pre-birthday dinner. I was a little worried about what was going to be served because I am on the Atkins plan, and I can only have 20 grams of carbs a day and am considerably restricted in what I can eat.
I shouldn't have worried because my most excellent mother had it all in hand. My sister cooked a ham with veggies and potatoes, and Mom made a salad. For dessert she made jello and stuck candles in it...
Way to go Mom! I didn't have to go off-plan at all! I was so appreciative that she took that into consideration for me.
Last night we stayed up watching Shrek 3 until just before midnight then crashed. We all woke up around 9:20. Sweet.
I was very excited to step on the scale this morning and to see another loss. I can't believe that 8 lbs are gone...hopefully forever. Very exciting. The only "cheat" I had this week was a breath mint... not bad Kate.
Before anyone floods my comment section or email with caution about the Atkins method of weight loss, please know that I have done this before with success, and it is perfectly healthy if done properly. Everyone seems to know someone with a bad story to tell about this method. It is the only one that works for me and so I will stick with it for as long as I can. I highly recommend it.
Poor Jordan is sick again. She started getting warm while we were at my mom's and it progressed very quickly. Mom tried to give her Tempra twice but both times she immediately threw it up. Her whole little body was so hot and her face so flushed. She slept fitfully during the night and at one point her breathing got very laboured and I was starting to get nervous. We have an AngelCare monitor hooked up under her mattress and that gives me great comfort. If she were to stop breathing for any reason for longer than 20 seconds an alarm would sound. I put on jeans and a t-shirt just in case I needed to take her somewhere,that's how worried I was...However, she is now sitting in her highchair eating Cheerios. She can't breathe through her nose at all and looks so funny, breathing like a neanderthal. However, as always, she is quick to smile.
I am working on something for my mother. I'm crocheting her a blanket, and every time I work on it I pray for her. She loves to sit in her chair in her room to read or watch tv, and I can envision her sitting with this prayer blanket over her lap, knowing she is loved. This will be a challenge for me because I have a history of unfinished craft projects. It's a great time for me to spend talking to the Lord, quietly and undisturbed.
Well the princess is calling, so I'll wrap this up for now.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Drive-by Update
I can't believe that this week has passed so quickly. I'm tired (as usual) so I'll just post in bullet form.
~ I went to see The Unborn with Nadine, Jen, Cindy and Stacey on Tuesday night and it was pretty lame. I did scream, and every time I screamed, Nadine would jump. Good times.
~ Coffee Hour was excellent. Jen brought her baby and he's BEAUTIFUL! I held him twice. It was the first time I have ever held another person's baby and didn't feel that longing for another. Jordan has completed our family. I was able to just enjoy it and that felt so good.
~ I tried taking a picture of the dude that parks in the kiss-n-ride but he saw me and started running towards me, so I drove off. Yep, I'm tough that way.
~ Thursday I went mattress shopping with Mom. We were in and out in 15 minutes and her new mattress will arrive at her house tomorrow. Sweet.
~ Girl's Club was awesome. We're teaching the girls the Fruit of the Spirit, and after a very lively devotion, we headed down to the church kitchen for the girls to make fruit kabobs. In order to get started they each had to tell us one fruit of the spirit. Lots of hugs from my girls...and one from *M* that I've mentioned before. She is really opening up to me.
~ It is absolutely freezing here at -20. Apparently its +7 in Edmonton. There is something very wrong when Edmonton is warmer than Toronto.
~ Ian is away at Avalanche this weekend. It's a retreat for the JR High kids held up in Muskoka, and 600+ kids from various churches go. I think it's -48 there. MUCH too cold for my taste. The kids and I drove him to the church and stayed until their bus arrived. Julie had such a hard time saying goodbye and had a few tears. We picked up McD's (a Caesar salad with grilled chicken for moi) on our way home and we're camping out in the livingroom watching movies until we fall asleep.
10:00 pm...Jordan is out...I am ready to drop...Sam and Julie don't look even remotely tired... going to be a long night!
~ I went to see The Unborn with Nadine, Jen, Cindy and Stacey on Tuesday night and it was pretty lame. I did scream, and every time I screamed, Nadine would jump. Good times.
~ Coffee Hour was excellent. Jen brought her baby and he's BEAUTIFUL! I held him twice. It was the first time I have ever held another person's baby and didn't feel that longing for another. Jordan has completed our family. I was able to just enjoy it and that felt so good.
~ I tried taking a picture of the dude that parks in the kiss-n-ride but he saw me and started running towards me, so I drove off. Yep, I'm tough that way.
~ Thursday I went mattress shopping with Mom. We were in and out in 15 minutes and her new mattress will arrive at her house tomorrow. Sweet.
~ Girl's Club was awesome. We're teaching the girls the Fruit of the Spirit, and after a very lively devotion, we headed down to the church kitchen for the girls to make fruit kabobs. In order to get started they each had to tell us one fruit of the spirit. Lots of hugs from my girls...and one from *M* that I've mentioned before. She is really opening up to me.
~ It is absolutely freezing here at -20. Apparently its +7 in Edmonton. There is something very wrong when Edmonton is warmer than Toronto.
~ Ian is away at Avalanche this weekend. It's a retreat for the JR High kids held up in Muskoka, and 600+ kids from various churches go. I think it's -48 there. MUCH too cold for my taste. The kids and I drove him to the church and stayed until their bus arrived. Julie had such a hard time saying goodbye and had a few tears. We picked up McD's (a Caesar salad with grilled chicken for moi) on our way home and we're camping out in the livingroom watching movies until we fall asleep.
10:00 pm...Jordan is out...I am ready to drop...Sam and Julie don't look even remotely tired... going to be a long night!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I received this in an email from our friend Gerry who is currently serving the Lord alongside his wife Barb in Bunia, DRC Congo.
In AFRICA friends!
With all that is going on there right now, his thoughts were of us today.
OUT OF THE SHADOWS by Charles R. Swindoll
Read Acts 11:19--26
Some of you who read these words today could use a little extra hope, especially if you find yourself in a waiting mode. You were once engaged in the action, doing top-priority work on the front lines. No longer. All that has changed. Now, for some reason, you're on the shelf. It's tough to stay encouraged perched on a shelf. Your mind starts playing tricks on you.
Though you are well-educated, experienced, and fairly gifted in your particular field, you are now waiting. You're wondering, and maybe you're getting worried, that this waiting period might be permanent. Admittedly, your response may not be all that great. You can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. It just doesn't seem fair. After all, you've trained hard, you've jumped through hoops, and you've even made the necessary sacrifices. Discouragement crouches at the door, ready to pounce on any thought or hope, so you sit wondering why God has chosen to pass you by.
I want to offer you some encouragement, but I need to start with a realistic comment: it may be a long time before God moves you into a place of significant impact. He may choose not to reveal His plan for weeks, maybe months. Are you ready for this? It could be years. I have found that one of God's favorite methods of preparing us for something great is to send us into the shadows to wait.
But that doesn't mean you're doomed to terminal darkness. Take heart from the words of British author James Stalker who wrote, "Waiting is a common instrument of providential discipline for those to whom exceptional work has been appointed." Pause and let that sink in. Read the statement again, slower this time.
Waiting is one of God's preferred methods of preparing special people for significant projects. The Bible makes that principle plain from cover to cover.
As Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD."
Thanks Gerry...
In AFRICA friends!
With all that is going on there right now, his thoughts were of us today.
OUT OF THE SHADOWS by Charles R. Swindoll
Read Acts 11:19--26
Some of you who read these words today could use a little extra hope, especially if you find yourself in a waiting mode. You were once engaged in the action, doing top-priority work on the front lines. No longer. All that has changed. Now, for some reason, you're on the shelf. It's tough to stay encouraged perched on a shelf. Your mind starts playing tricks on you.
Though you are well-educated, experienced, and fairly gifted in your particular field, you are now waiting. You're wondering, and maybe you're getting worried, that this waiting period might be permanent. Admittedly, your response may not be all that great. You can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. It just doesn't seem fair. After all, you've trained hard, you've jumped through hoops, and you've even made the necessary sacrifices. Discouragement crouches at the door, ready to pounce on any thought or hope, so you sit wondering why God has chosen to pass you by.
I want to offer you some encouragement, but I need to start with a realistic comment: it may be a long time before God moves you into a place of significant impact. He may choose not to reveal His plan for weeks, maybe months. Are you ready for this? It could be years. I have found that one of God's favorite methods of preparing us for something great is to send us into the shadows to wait.
But that doesn't mean you're doomed to terminal darkness. Take heart from the words of British author James Stalker who wrote, "Waiting is a common instrument of providential discipline for those to whom exceptional work has been appointed." Pause and let that sink in. Read the statement again, slower this time.
Waiting is one of God's preferred methods of preparing special people for significant projects. The Bible makes that principle plain from cover to cover.
As Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD."
Thanks Gerry...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Day two of my "Lifestyle Change" and I'm crabby already.
Who am I kidding... I was crabby yesterday.
I had to toss out my beloved blow dryer because it started burning and set off the smoke detectors. Good thing I had a spare in my bathroom and it has more power.
More power! Arrrrr!
I usually go through a blow dryer a year, but this little guy held on for a few years. I also go through vacuums at a rate of one a year. I've been married for almost 13 years and we're on vacuum #14. Actually, #14 died and Ian was able to fix #13.
How is it that I go through so many? Well friends, that's a story for another day.
Today I woke up to more snow. It was an Early Release Day for the children so I seriously thought about not even making them go. But they did, and our usual 5 minute trip to school was 20. So frustrating.
Just as I was letting them out, Sam asks if I had his backpack. I said no and he started to get upset. This is the second time this has happened, but he absolutely hates when I nag (read: remind) him to make sure he has it before we leave the house. I told him that I guess this morning was going to suck because he was going to have to go without his snack and his books. I thought this would be a great opportunity to teach him a lesson in responsibility.
Ian felt differently. Apparently in his backpack was an assignment he worked on all last evening so it would be completed in time for today.
Back to the house I go to get the backpack. Ian met me at the door and handed it to me, along with Julie's books.
Back to school I go with their things to drop them off. When I was leaving, I saw a woman walking her dogs in her pjs. IN HER PJS.
There is a phenomenon I will never understand - public pj wearers.
I visited with my mom, picked up the kids, then took Sam for a haircut. I was thinking a nice #4 around the sides and back... he talked me into keeping his shaggy look. I got the whole "But Moooommmmm! It's how everyone wears their hair!" speech. I was concerned that he was just going with the flow like everyone else, but he said he really liked the shaggy look and wanted to keep it.
Wow. Between fetching forgotten assignments and letting him have his own way with his hair, I am either the biggest pushover on the planet or the best mom ever.
Ha. We all know the answer to that.
(read: pushover)
He has been fussing with it for the last 20 minutes and is now satisfied that he looks the way he wants to.
Tonight I am going to see The Unborn with Nadine, Cindy and Jen. I hope it isn't another lame horror movie because I'm looking for a high-popout factor. I'll let you know if and how many times I scream.
Before I sign off for today, I thought I would brag about my excellent children that are arguing about who gets to set the table for dinner tonight.
Ha! Who GETS TO! I wonder how long this will last?
Who am I kidding... I was crabby yesterday.
I had to toss out my beloved blow dryer because it started burning and set off the smoke detectors. Good thing I had a spare in my bathroom and it has more power.
More power! Arrrrr!
I usually go through a blow dryer a year, but this little guy held on for a few years. I also go through vacuums at a rate of one a year. I've been married for almost 13 years and we're on vacuum #14. Actually, #14 died and Ian was able to fix #13.
How is it that I go through so many? Well friends, that's a story for another day.
Today I woke up to more snow. It was an Early Release Day for the children so I seriously thought about not even making them go. But they did, and our usual 5 minute trip to school was 20. So frustrating.
Just as I was letting them out, Sam asks if I had his backpack. I said no and he started to get upset. This is the second time this has happened, but he absolutely hates when I nag (read: remind) him to make sure he has it before we leave the house. I told him that I guess this morning was going to suck because he was going to have to go without his snack and his books. I thought this would be a great opportunity to teach him a lesson in responsibility.
Ian felt differently. Apparently in his backpack was an assignment he worked on all last evening so it would be completed in time for today.
Back to the house I go to get the backpack. Ian met me at the door and handed it to me, along with Julie's books.
Back to school I go with their things to drop them off. When I was leaving, I saw a woman walking her dogs in her pjs. IN HER PJS.
There is a phenomenon I will never understand - public pj wearers.
I visited with my mom, picked up the kids, then took Sam for a haircut. I was thinking a nice #4 around the sides and back... he talked me into keeping his shaggy look. I got the whole "But Moooommmmm! It's how everyone wears their hair!" speech. I was concerned that he was just going with the flow like everyone else, but he said he really liked the shaggy look and wanted to keep it.
Wow. Between fetching forgotten assignments and letting him have his own way with his hair, I am either the biggest pushover on the planet or the best mom ever.
Ha. We all know the answer to that.
(read: pushover)
He has been fussing with it for the last 20 minutes and is now satisfied that he looks the way he wants to.
Tonight I am going to see The Unborn with Nadine, Cindy and Jen. I hope it isn't another lame horror movie because I'm looking for a high-popout factor. I'll let you know if and how many times I scream.
Before I sign off for today, I thought I would brag about my excellent children that are arguing about who gets to set the table for dinner tonight.
Ha! Who GETS TO! I wonder how long this will last?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Here I Go
I'm starting my Lifestyle Change today. Note I didn't use that dirty four letter word diet.
I am hoping that by putting this on my blog that I will hold to it, since I would hate for my thousands and thousands of readers to be disappointed in me.
I've decided to track this in 10 lb increments so I don't get overwhelmed.
Ugh. I feel crusty already.
I can do this...I can do this...
I am hoping that by putting this on my blog that I will hold to it, since I would hate for my thousands and thousands of readers to be disappointed in me.
I've decided to track this in 10 lb increments so I don't get overwhelmed.
Ugh. I feel crusty already.
I can do this...I can do this...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I haven't been in the blogging frame of mind these last few days but I had a few moments tonight to post a few things.
First of all, thank you so much for your comments, emails, phone calls and facebook messages offering encouragement about Ian's layoff. I cannot tell you how much every single one means to me. I am overwhelmed by you.
Pray on, my friends. I need you. I truly believe that prayer is powerful and our Heavenly Father hears each one.
Girls Club resumed this past Thursday and it was so good to see the girls again. I was met with squeals and hugs and I loved all of it. We had a few new faces join us as well. I have been praying for one girl in particular for a couple of months now. *M* is very closed off and her story is one of a few that hurts my heart. I've been praying for a sign that she is ready to let me in because I want to be able to tell her things that she needs to hear: that she is special, she matters, she is loved and has a purpose.
While I was being hugged to bits by the girls, I saw her come around the corner and look at me. I thought "here goes!" and I just opened my arms and she flew into them. I hugged her so tight and whispered in her ear that I had missed her so much. She pulled back and said "Really? YOU missed ME?" and I hugged her again and said "Absolutely!"
I do love how He answers my prayers!
Julie played soccer on Saturday as usual and all was well until the last few minutes of the game when she got hit in her stomach with the ball and just went down. Poor thing. Ian headed down to get her and she was crying. When they walked her across the field everyone started clapping for her. Bless her heart. She had a red spot on her tummy but ended up just fine.
I've been working on Sam the last couple of weeks, building him up to get his hair cut. Good grief this kid has a lot of hair! He wants to grow it long like some kind of Jonas Brother and I'm not having it. Hopefully I can get him in somewhere tomorrow to get it cut.
Jordan is sprouting another tooth which should arrive any time now. She pulls herself up on everything and loves to just stand there. Well, until today that is. Now she's "cruising". She'll inch along the couch to the coffee table and move over to that.
Brilliant that she is, I bet she's walking in no time.
I sorted through all of her outgrown clothes this weekend to pass on to someone who can use them. Certain outfits are so hard to part with, so I kept a couple of things, just as I did with the other children. I'm enjoying her so much, and I'm so glad she is with us but...
Isn't there always a "but"?
Here goes....
But.... I wish this part of my life wasn't over. She will be our last and while I knew that from the get-go, I am still sad. I'm too old, I have three already, they're expensive, etc....
Blah blah blah. Enough about that.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. You are wonderful.
First of all, thank you so much for your comments, emails, phone calls and facebook messages offering encouragement about Ian's layoff. I cannot tell you how much every single one means to me. I am overwhelmed by you.
Pray on, my friends. I need you. I truly believe that prayer is powerful and our Heavenly Father hears each one.
Girls Club resumed this past Thursday and it was so good to see the girls again. I was met with squeals and hugs and I loved all of it. We had a few new faces join us as well. I have been praying for one girl in particular for a couple of months now. *M* is very closed off and her story is one of a few that hurts my heart. I've been praying for a sign that she is ready to let me in because I want to be able to tell her things that she needs to hear: that she is special, she matters, she is loved and has a purpose.
While I was being hugged to bits by the girls, I saw her come around the corner and look at me. I thought "here goes!" and I just opened my arms and she flew into them. I hugged her so tight and whispered in her ear that I had missed her so much. She pulled back and said "Really? YOU missed ME?" and I hugged her again and said "Absolutely!"
I do love how He answers my prayers!
Julie played soccer on Saturday as usual and all was well until the last few minutes of the game when she got hit in her stomach with the ball and just went down. Poor thing. Ian headed down to get her and she was crying. When they walked her across the field everyone started clapping for her. Bless her heart. She had a red spot on her tummy but ended up just fine.
I've been working on Sam the last couple of weeks, building him up to get his hair cut. Good grief this kid has a lot of hair! He wants to grow it long like some kind of Jonas Brother and I'm not having it. Hopefully I can get him in somewhere tomorrow to get it cut.
Jordan is sprouting another tooth which should arrive any time now. She pulls herself up on everything and loves to just stand there. Well, until today that is. Now she's "cruising". She'll inch along the couch to the coffee table and move over to that.
Brilliant that she is, I bet she's walking in no time.
I sorted through all of her outgrown clothes this weekend to pass on to someone who can use them. Certain outfits are so hard to part with, so I kept a couple of things, just as I did with the other children. I'm enjoying her so much, and I'm so glad she is with us but...
Isn't there always a "but"?
Here goes....
But.... I wish this part of my life wasn't over. She will be our last and while I knew that from the get-go, I am still sad. I'm too old, I have three already, they're expensive, etc....
Blah blah blah. Enough about that.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. You are wonderful.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Ian was laid off today.
I was at Coffee Hour when the Associate Pastor came up behind me and whispered in my ear that Ian had called the church office asking me to call him on my cell. I did so right away and he told me what had happened. I knew a layoff could be a possibility but still, it came as a shock.
I returned to the group but couldn't focus on the video, so I stepped out to call my mom to let her know what happened. Moms always make things better, don't they? When I came back, the group was taking prayer requests and I told them that Ian had been laid off, then started to cry. One by one they came to me, hugged me, then they all laid their hands on me and prayed for us.
What beautiful sisters I have. Thank you, Father.
I talked to Him all the way home, and asked Him to help me to be strong and encouraging for Ian, and to not give in to the despair that I can already feel is swirling around my feet. He gently reminded me that He has already written this story, He knows what is going to happen next and He has us squarely in His hands.
Oh how I love you, Lord.
I'm going to update my resume and send it out to some contacts that I've kept to see what is out there in my field. Of course, Ian will be searching too. Maybe we could make it a race to see who finds a job first. I do enjoy the occasional challenge.
That's it for now.
Ian was laid off today.
I was at Coffee Hour when the Associate Pastor came up behind me and whispered in my ear that Ian had called the church office asking me to call him on my cell. I did so right away and he told me what had happened. I knew a layoff could be a possibility but still, it came as a shock.
I returned to the group but couldn't focus on the video, so I stepped out to call my mom to let her know what happened. Moms always make things better, don't they? When I came back, the group was taking prayer requests and I told them that Ian had been laid off, then started to cry. One by one they came to me, hugged me, then they all laid their hands on me and prayed for us.
What beautiful sisters I have. Thank you, Father.
I talked to Him all the way home, and asked Him to help me to be strong and encouraging for Ian, and to not give in to the despair that I can already feel is swirling around my feet. He gently reminded me that He has already written this story, He knows what is going to happen next and He has us squarely in His hands.
Oh how I love you, Lord.
I'm going to update my resume and send it out to some contacts that I've kept to see what is out there in my field. Of course, Ian will be searching too. Maybe we could make it a race to see who finds a job first. I do enjoy the occasional challenge.
That's it for now.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Another Busy Weekend
Apparently I've been neglecting my blog again, so here I am with an update.
Friday was Ian's 40th birthday and apparently he is not at all bothered by the fact that he is now almost a senior citizen. I feel absolutely youthful next to my old timer.
Cindy came to watch the children for us in the evening so we could go to see Quantum of Solace. I had absolutely no idea what it was about and I didn't really care. I liked it anyway. The children loved that Cindy was coming to stay with them and as usual she spoiled them with treats that she brought for them.
Saturday I visited with my mother and aunt, then the children stayed with them while Ian and I went out for dinner together at Montanas. I had the Baked Chicken Penne and it was so good. I'm still thinking about it two days later! After we brought the children home and put them to bed we played a game called "Battle of the Sexes" and while I had a sweet lead, he pulled a wild card and sent me back to the start and ended up winning the whole thing. Lame.
Sunday we went to church, then went to Square One so the children could use the Build A Bear gift cards they received for Christmas. Our stroller was in my mother's garage so my plan was to just carry Jordan around. Ian's plan was to rent one of those ridiculous looking and filthy racing car strollers.
GROSS! I had to wipe everything down with my wet wipes before she was overrun with cooties. Then I refused to even push it because it was so silly. Jordan, however, loved it. Traitor.
It was a zoo at BAB with two birthday parties going on at once. Complete chaos. The children each made new bears and still had enough money left over for an outfit for each. I love watching those bears "come to life".
In the evening I went to see Seven Pounds with Cindy. I figured out pretty quick what was going on (after all, it was hardly a Bond flick!) but the story was still lovely and I cried at the end.
I know. Big shock. Kate cried....again.
Afterwards we headed over to the Irish bar that Jen works at and I had my first beer in almost two years. I craved a cold beer all throughout my pregnancy and so I indulged last night. Actually, I had two of them. I have absolutely zero tolerance for alcohol because it hits me pretty quick. If I have one drink, I am anyone's friend. Two or more and I'm everyone's friend. After my two pints (that sounds like so much more than two beers) I was feeling pretty relaxed. Jen turned up the ABBA tunes (love them) and turned on the disco ball just for me. She did stop short of letting me sing along on stage with the mic.
Party pooper. Sigh. Every party has one I guess.
This morning the children returned to school and Ian went back to work. I spent the day at my mother's as usual. My aunt returns to Michigan tomorrow and we won't see her again until June.
Jordan was crawling everywhere, getting into everything. I don't know if Sam and Julie were this busy or if I'm just too old to be doing this. She pulled herself up to stand on her own in her playpen and we were all clapping for her. She just beamed.
You know what I'm about to say, so say it with me: She's brilliant.
I hope Coffee Hour resumes this Wednesday. I miss my ladies and I haven't seen Jen in a month! I can't wait to see her precious little baby. I wanted to go over sooner but I had a cold and then I was tied up with Christmas and New Years. I've seen pictures though and he is gorgeous.
Friday was Ian's 40th birthday and apparently he is not at all bothered by the fact that he is now almost a senior citizen. I feel absolutely youthful next to my old timer.
Cindy came to watch the children for us in the evening so we could go to see Quantum of Solace. I had absolutely no idea what it was about and I didn't really care. I liked it anyway. The children loved that Cindy was coming to stay with them and as usual she spoiled them with treats that she brought for them.
Saturday I visited with my mother and aunt, then the children stayed with them while Ian and I went out for dinner together at Montanas. I had the Baked Chicken Penne and it was so good. I'm still thinking about it two days later! After we brought the children home and put them to bed we played a game called "Battle of the Sexes" and while I had a sweet lead, he pulled a wild card and sent me back to the start and ended up winning the whole thing. Lame.
Sunday we went to church, then went to Square One so the children could use the Build A Bear gift cards they received for Christmas. Our stroller was in my mother's garage so my plan was to just carry Jordan around. Ian's plan was to rent one of those ridiculous looking and filthy racing car strollers.
GROSS! I had to wipe everything down with my wet wipes before she was overrun with cooties. Then I refused to even push it because it was so silly. Jordan, however, loved it. Traitor.
It was a zoo at BAB with two birthday parties going on at once. Complete chaos. The children each made new bears and still had enough money left over for an outfit for each. I love watching those bears "come to life".
In the evening I went to see Seven Pounds with Cindy. I figured out pretty quick what was going on (after all, it was hardly a Bond flick!) but the story was still lovely and I cried at the end.
I know. Big shock. Kate cried....again.
Afterwards we headed over to the Irish bar that Jen works at and I had my first beer in almost two years. I craved a cold beer all throughout my pregnancy and so I indulged last night. Actually, I had two of them. I have absolutely zero tolerance for alcohol because it hits me pretty quick. If I have one drink, I am anyone's friend. Two or more and I'm everyone's friend. After my two pints (that sounds like so much more than two beers) I was feeling pretty relaxed. Jen turned up the ABBA tunes (love them) and turned on the disco ball just for me. She did stop short of letting me sing along on stage with the mic.
Party pooper. Sigh. Every party has one I guess.
This morning the children returned to school and Ian went back to work. I spent the day at my mother's as usual. My aunt returns to Michigan tomorrow and we won't see her again until June.
Jordan was crawling everywhere, getting into everything. I don't know if Sam and Julie were this busy or if I'm just too old to be doing this. She pulled herself up to stand on her own in her playpen and we were all clapping for her. She just beamed.
You know what I'm about to say, so say it with me: She's brilliant.
I hope Coffee Hour resumes this Wednesday. I miss my ladies and I haven't seen Jen in a month! I can't wait to see her precious little baby. I wanted to go over sooner but I had a cold and then I was tied up with Christmas and New Years. I've seen pictures though and he is gorgeous.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Hello 2009
A brand new year, full of fresh possibilities and opportunities.
And what better way to start of a new year than with a win?
Today I found out that I am one of three winners of the Baby Be Blessed contest over at Bring The Rain! I have won a customized doll and I can choose the hair colour, material, etc, and the BEST part is that I can choose a personal scripture that is printed on the dolls tummy. I'm going to give it to Julie.
Now I need to find the perfect scripture verse for it. Suggestions?
How exciting.
But even MORE exciting.... JORDAN CRAWLED YESTERDAY!!! Oh yes, friends, she is mobile and nothing is holding her back! She even crawled right over to me to be picked up. Poor little lamb has carpet burn on her knees to show her efforts.
Yesterday was a busy day but in a good way. Julie had her friend "L" over for a playdate. I am a self-proclaimed socialphobe but I stepped out of my comfort zone and invited her mom "N" to say for coffee and I am so glad I did. Conversation came so easily, although as it turns out, we were both a little nervous about that beforehand! We never ran out of things to talk about and the girls got along famously. They met each other in Girls Club. Ian and I will definitely get together with "N" and her "other half" soon.
In the afternoon, Sam had his friend "T" over to play. "T" is such a nice kid, so polite and sweet. They ate like horses, although I suppose that's what boys do.
I loved the comings and goings of these kids. I loved the sound of their laughter all throughout my home. Is there any better sound in the world than that of children laughing? They we happy, and therefore, so was I.
In the evening, my mom, aunt and nephew came over for a visit and we toasted the new year together before they left. Ian, the kids and I stayed up until midnight and watched the ball drop at Times Square. I cried as I always do on New Year's Eve.
I am only making one resolution this year - to let go. I have blogged before about how I don't love fully, and I don't live fully. I am afraid of being hurt or disappointed. I worry about what people think of me, or how I must look to others. I obsess about being perfect for other people and letting them down. I carry so much guilt and regret and shame. I'm going to let go of all of those things and just let myself go and find out who I really am... Who the Father created me to be. I'm going to surround myself with people I love and respect and who love and respect me. People who love the Lord as I do, so we can grow in Him together.
Blessings to you for this new year,
And what better way to start of a new year than with a win?
Today I found out that I am one of three winners of the Baby Be Blessed contest over at Bring The Rain! I have won a customized doll and I can choose the hair colour, material, etc, and the BEST part is that I can choose a personal scripture that is printed on the dolls tummy. I'm going to give it to Julie.
Now I need to find the perfect scripture verse for it. Suggestions?
How exciting.
But even MORE exciting.... JORDAN CRAWLED YESTERDAY!!! Oh yes, friends, she is mobile and nothing is holding her back! She even crawled right over to me to be picked up. Poor little lamb has carpet burn on her knees to show her efforts.
Yesterday was a busy day but in a good way. Julie had her friend "L" over for a playdate. I am a self-proclaimed socialphobe but I stepped out of my comfort zone and invited her mom "N" to say for coffee and I am so glad I did. Conversation came so easily, although as it turns out, we were both a little nervous about that beforehand! We never ran out of things to talk about and the girls got along famously. They met each other in Girls Club. Ian and I will definitely get together with "N" and her "other half" soon.
In the afternoon, Sam had his friend "T" over to play. "T" is such a nice kid, so polite and sweet. They ate like horses, although I suppose that's what boys do.
I loved the comings and goings of these kids. I loved the sound of their laughter all throughout my home. Is there any better sound in the world than that of children laughing? They we happy, and therefore, so was I.
In the evening, my mom, aunt and nephew came over for a visit and we toasted the new year together before they left. Ian, the kids and I stayed up until midnight and watched the ball drop at Times Square. I cried as I always do on New Year's Eve.
I am only making one resolution this year - to let go. I have blogged before about how I don't love fully, and I don't live fully. I am afraid of being hurt or disappointed. I worry about what people think of me, or how I must look to others. I obsess about being perfect for other people and letting them down. I carry so much guilt and regret and shame. I'm going to let go of all of those things and just let myself go and find out who I really am... Who the Father created me to be. I'm going to surround myself with people I love and respect and who love and respect me. People who love the Lord as I do, so we can grow in Him together.
Blessings to you for this new year,
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