I can't believe it's September already. The summer blew past, didn't it? In a way I'm glad, it was so incredibly off-the-charts hot that it wasn't all that enjoyable.
I love the month of September. Ian and I celebrate our meet-a-versary and engage-a-versary this month. I love the crisp air, apple picking and change of colours. There's such a sense of new beginnings at this time of year, don't you think?
We're going to kick off our long weekend with a pizza and popcorn party and watch Camp Rock 2 tomorrow night. I am not in the least embarrassed to tell you that I've been looking forward to it all summer.
Lots to do this weekend - back to school shopping and hair cuts, regulating sleep and waking schedules, grocery shopping for stuff for lunches....
Enough about that, because today is
Mama M's blog meme!

And this week's questions are...
1. What do you do when you have time to yourself?Sleep, read, blog, sew or bake. Sleep is first because it's my most favourite thing to do. Ever.
2. When you look out your kitchen window, what do you see?I see a main road, but across the street I can see the ravine, and in the fall I love to look out at the leaves changing colours. I also get to see the most beautiful sunsets from my kitchen windows.
3. Who/What would you want to be reincarnated as?I am not a believer in reincarnation, but
if there was such a thing then I'd like to come back as a rich person. And by rich, I mean filthy.
Or I'd like to come back as a cat because they get to sleep all day and everyone seems to be ok with that.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve about other people's kids?Here we go. I don't like it when they call me by my first name. I think they should be introduced to me as Miss Kate or Mrs. B and let me decide if I want them calling me by my first name. I always introduce my friends as Miss So and So, or Mrs X. It's up to them to correct them. Some friends let my kids call them Aunt and Uncle So and So. I was raised to give respect for adults, and it rubs me the wrong way to see that this isn't done anymore.
I don't like it when they interrupt while the adults are talking. I had a friend once whose child did this constantly and was never corrected. After he shushed me and wasn't reprimanded for his rudeness, I never returned to that house again. (and he called me Kate!)
To be honest, I'm not really a fan of other people's children. There are a small handful that I can tolerate, and even fewer that I like. Does that sound awful? Probably. But it's honest!
5. Regular or Diet soda?Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke are the only diet "soda" I drink. Everything else has to be regular.
I can't say the word
soda without laughing. In Canada we say
Want to play along? Head on over to Mama M's blog
My Little Life and get in on the fun!