So... I'm just going to share a few things that are on my mind.
{1} Tuesday was an emotional day. Every two years I need to have a cystoscopy to make sure that the cancer I had 12 years ago hasn't returned. It's a very unpleasant procedure to have, but thankfully not a long one. Tuesday was that day. I was particularly nervous because I skipped my last one, so now it had been four years since I was last checked. All is clear and my chances of recurrence has dropped from 45% down to 10%. It was a good day.
{2} I've had a change in attitude about returning to work. I've been so miserable at the thoughts of not being at home for the children. It suddenly clicked with me - I'm still going to be there for my children, but just in a different and equally important way. I don't want to be so focused on holding on to where I am that I miss where God is taking me. I still feel sad and scared, but I'm choosing to trust that God is taking me in a good direction, even if it doesn't feel good to me right now.
{3} I am in desperate need of a pedicure. This isn't a "want", it's a desperate need. When you step on a dryer sheet and it sticks to your icky picky feet, you know it's time. And now that I've completely grossed you out, I will move on.
{4} Today is Willow's birthday! He's now 1 year old. A puppy-toddler. He still chews everything in sight and he barks at anyone who so much as looks at our house. There needs to be cake and a party, I think.
{5} Girls Club started last night. I wasn't going to serve in this ministry this year for several reasons, but I had committed to handling registration on the first night. It was so good to see "my" girls again! They were so excited to see me too :-) Lots of hugs and squeals and "Look at my braces Kate!" "Kate! Kate! Look at me! I GREW over the summer!" "Kate! I'm going to try out for soccer!" And so on... Y'all know I don't like other people's children, but God has really given me a love for these girls. We had ice cream and sat in groups and caught up on each other's lives. Precious time.
{6} Jordan is hooked on Camp Rock 2. We've seen it so many times now that I'm starting to see the goofs in the movie. And I know all the words to all the songs. I'm always humming the songs while I'm puttering around and sometimes I even do some of the dance moves. I don't think I'll be hired to do Camp Rock 3 any time soon.
{7} I hope the weather is nice enough to go apple picking tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to making apple pies and other apple-y desserts.
{8} The other night my friend Dawn called and we ended up talking for close to 5 hours. I think that covers our quota for conversation for the next year ;-)
{9} Sam goes to his very first Junior High youth night tonight. I can't believe he's old enough to go. He's so excited and I've been teasing him all day that he isn't allowed to go because I will miss him.
{10} Ian brought home the Playstation Move and it looks awesome. Soon "Fight : Lights Out" will be mine.
That's all I can think about to tell you right now. I hope you have a great weekend :-)
I loved every second of that phone call. I think we need to make 5 hour convos a habit. Love you! xo
ReplyDeleteYer so dang cute! "Y'all know I don't like other people's children..." I love it!
ReplyDeleteI was just telling my hubby that "other people's kids annoy me". But, certainly, mine don't annoy other parents, right? ;) Yeah, right.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend...glad you're coming to peace with the return to work!
Hey, lady! Good to catch up on where you are these days. Hope you are having a great weekend. And I am also in need of a pedicure badly. Glad you are well, friend!
ReplyDeleteOh, a pedicure... I'd love to have one before I leave on my work trip (just two weeks to go!!) but I don't know that I can afford both my hair and my toes, so I'll probably just do one myself. Thank goodness I'm the Avon lady, so I have plenty of good products to do it with!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're finding a peace about working again. I know it's hard, but I have faith that you're going to find a perfect position for you that will meet your needs and make you happy!
This made me smile so much! I've been so worried about you and that's not going to stop anytime soon, but it made me sooo happy to know that you're feeling a little better about where things might be headed for you! AND I love that Willow is a year old - we always celebrated our dogs' days! I'm also beyond thrilled to hear your exam went well! No cancer gets to take MY Kate, damnit. I'd be soooo mad. Make sure someone somewhere knows that.
ReplyDeleteAND I'm sooo there with you on the pedi. I love that all your feet pick up are dryer sheets... My carpet is starting to bubble and bow because I'm pretty sure my feet are sticking like velcro to it. Eeew! However, I could walk across hot coals easily for the size of the calluses on those bad boys. So let me know if you need me to grab anything on the other side of a volcano for ya ;o)
Yer so dang cute! "Y'all know I don't like other people's children..." I love it!
ReplyDeleteI was just telling my hubby that "other people's kids annoy me". But, certainly, mine don't annoy other parents, right? ;) Yeah, right.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend...glad you're coming to peace with the return to work!