I think I am now sufficiently rested enough to tell you about my arduous sewing project.
Ok it wasn't that bad. I just have a short attention span and I get frustrated quickly. Good thing my Mama is such a patient lady.
Saturday morning, Ian dropped us all off at my Mama's and he headed into the office for the day. After a short break,
Mama cracked her whip lovingly suggested we get started. She had taken Sassie Susie to Singer the night before so that the tech could show her how the pesky bobbin goes in and to re-attach the presser foot that had fallen off in my hand.
Did you catch my terminology there? I said
presser foot. I'm not fooling around here, peeps.
Here's another shot of my new BFF Sassie Susie:

She's lovely, is she not?
Here is the pattern I chose:

In case you can't tell, it's a nightgown. I chose pink flannel as my fabric.
My wrinkly crinkly pattern fresh out of the envelope:

I ironed it then cut it out:

Pinning it to the fabric took me awhile because I had to make sure my pins were perfectly aligned. I kept pricking myself. I didn't like that part so much.

After repeatedly asking my Mama if it was pinned correctly and was she
absolutely sure it was ready to be cut, I said a last-minute prayer then cut out the pieces:

Oh heck yeah, I was
on a roll.
Until I looked at the instructions.

I was all "what the..." so I decided my Mama would be the Keeper Of The Instructions and I would just do what she told me to.
I don't have any pictures of me actually sewing because I was so
incredibly frustrated on fire that I didn't take any.
I did, however, learn how to re-thread my machine. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Here is my Mama pinning the sleeve-to-be into the arm hole:

I hated sewing those sleeves-to-be into the tiny armholes.
I did like sewing this little lacy hem type thing along the edge of the sleeves-to-be, however:

This project took all day.
All.day. I made a lot of mistakes and had to rip out a lot of stitches. I wanted to fire it across the room a few times. But my ever patient Mama kept me on track and I finished.

When I was finished sewing the last bit and turned it right-side-out, I started to cry. It was far from perfect, but
I finished it.
As soon as we got home, I put it on Jordan. We were all telling her how pretty she looked and she just beamed. She kept rubbing her hands on the front of it and swishing all around while she walked.

Again, far from perfect, but I wasn't expecting perfection. I can see what I did wrong and what things I will do differently next time. I'm going out tomorrow night to buy another piece of fabric to make another one, just to get used to it.
So...whatcha think?