What does that even mean?
I thought it meant blogging an opinion without fear of what readers would think. To use one's own blog as a platform for causes one supports or opinions one held.
Apparently I was wrong.
Bold blogging is about sharing anything and everything.
Recently I came across a few blogs that discussed details of their husband's sexual addictions.
Did you know that potential employers are turning to Google and Facebook to gather info about possible employees? Imagine the information they'd uncover about these people, considering they are kind enough to use their real names - first and last - as they destroy their spouse's reputation.
Once something hits the internet it's there forever.
I've seen blogs where women complain bitterly about their children.
I don't understand this trend. I don't understand how one can basically bash their spouse or children for the entire world to read, and how that can be ok.
Do Ian and I have arguments? Of course we do! But I respect him enough not to slam him on my blog. And he respects me enough not to slam me on his. I don't ever speak poorly about him to friends either. What happens between us stays between us. Just as a marriage should be.
Do my kids bug me at times? Sure they do! And I bet I bug them too. But do I need to talk about them poorly on my blog? Or go on endlessly about how I need a break from them? Nope.
I don't understand this and it disturbs me on so many levels.
Our spouses and our children are God's most precious gifts to us. Shouldn't they be treated better than that?
How about blogging with integrity and authenticity? Wouldn't that make for a better blog?
Where do you stand on this issue? Am I just overreacting or is this trend ok by you? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
I remember at my bridal shower one of our pastors wives talked about as a wife we need to be our husbands biggest cheer leader. If you are willing to talk negatively about your spouse then that just opens the door for others to disrespect him. That has stuck with me more than any other advice I've ever been given! So, I'm with you.
ReplyDeleteI don't even slam my ex-husband who makes me want to vomit...=)
ReplyDeleteI'm all for "bold blogging" in the sense of standing up for what you believe...but husband/wife bashing? Complaining about your kids? Those are your greatest blessings...and while they at times drive us bonkers, how 'bout trying to see the "positive" in it?
ReplyDeleteI agree...don't like the negativity.
I agree with you!
ReplyDeleteSome bold blogging I have seen isn't too bad, but it's still not for me! I just didn't like it when, I think it was almost a year ago, it became this trend. Like, "oh, we all need to blog boldly now!" "It's the right thing to do- to be honest."
I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable sharing every part of my life on my blog.
As for bold blogging that crosses a line like complaining about spouses and children- yea, that's never OK.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I vent in my blog, but I'm always mindful of my audience... which will one day be my children once I make my blog into a book!
ReplyDeleteRESPECT! I think people forget that those closest to them deserve it just as much (if not more so) than their co-workers and friends.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I think we can be honest about difficulties, without being detailed and hurting those around us with our thoughts. Our words have power, and there is wisdom in discretion.
I thought the same as you - blogging, all the while not caring what opinions others are/were forming. Sharing anything & everything? No thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm really not blogging at all anymore & am unsure if I'll even resume. Before I even post, I'll think to myself "now, will anyone even read this or enjoy it?" It's all seems to have become too complicated. Ü
I couldn't agree more! I can't STAND people that bash others on their blogs- and on twitter. I figure it's just another form of bullying...even if it's against your own husband and children.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a firm believer that how we think really impacts our own actions. If I think my husband is a control freak (which I don't...but for instance), even if I don't say it out loud (or write it on a blog), it is reflected in my actions and reactions toward him. It's a sad existance, and I don't want to live like that. Having a positive attitude toward my family results in a peaceful abode.
Ahhhh... Nope not okay, EVER! And if that's the content on the blog I run away and don't look back. I don't need that trash in my brain.
ReplyDeleteI have mixed feelings on this one. I am a "bold blogger" in the sense that I blog about what is real and true to me, my feelings and worries, and I don't worry about how it may come across or what others may think. That being said, I don't think it's necessary to publicly bash people either. Do I blog about my husband and son? Absolutely. And yes, I blog about things they do that annoy me. But I also blog about things that they do that make me love them even more. And my number one rule is that I never use anyones name....nicknames only for my blog! And the people that I blog about on a regular/semi-regular basis know this, and they know who's nickname is whos. I'm ok with that. I'm all for getting things out there and off of my chest. I'm just careful how I do it. Privacy is number one.
ReplyDeleteI am one of those "Bold Bloggers" that you dislike. So is my wife. We have a story of incredible redemption. God has brought us through some really ugly stuff, some of which you have mentioned above. We don't post those things to bash each other, but rather to offer hope to other people that are going through some of the same situations. I, personally, have had quite a few friends approach me after one of my more controversial blog posts and ask for help with thier own situation.
ReplyDeleteWhat some people who have read our blogs and become critical of us have failed to see is that we don't use our blogs as a weapon towards each other. If my wife has mentioned an issue she has had towards me she will always mention her reaction as the thing that made her the most angry. We have had our name drug through the mud of the bloggosphere but we don't mind. Those who choose to judge me and my wife on behalf of our blog posts will ultimately answer to God for their gossiping.
I am not a blogger, however I enjoy reading a few blogs and I participate in other social media. I do not enjoy what has been described as bold blogging which seems to more like complete disclosure without consideration for an individuals right to privacy. A blog and many other social media are public domains. Posting negative or unflattering comments and/or photos of spouses, children, other family members, friends, colleagues etc on these sites is equivalent to posting on a billboard along a highway. It seems that individuals may forget or choose to ignore the golden rule of "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you". Blogs and other sites are personal accounts with a public audience. Therefore it is only right that we respect the privacy of other individuals and limit our posts to ourselves or matters that will not disrespect other people. I also firmly believe that is extends beyond posts "bashing" spouses or children but into topics that may be embarrassing. This especially applies to children. So often as parents, we may find certain behaviours or actions by our children to be cute or humerous. However, as they age and become more self aware, likely they will not appreciate having such behaviours or actions posted on a public forum.
ReplyDeleteThat is simply my opinion as a bonafide stalker of some blogs. I understand some individuals believe that it is dishonest not to fully disclose all facets of ones life, however I believe that it is a mature, respectful individual who censors ones material as it pertains to other individuals.
I am one of those "Bold Bloggers" that you dislike. So is my wife. We have a story of incredible redemption. God has brought us through some really ugly stuff, some of which you have mentioned above. We don't post those things to bash each other, but rather to offer hope to other people that are going through some of the same situations. I, personally, have had quite a few friends approach me after one of my more controversial blog posts and ask for help with thier own situation.
ReplyDeleteWhat some people who have read our blogs and become critical of us have failed to see is that we don't use our blogs as a weapon towards each other. If my wife has mentioned an issue she has had towards me she will always mention her reaction as the thing that made her the most angry. We have had our name drug through the mud of the bloggosphere but we don't mind. Those who choose to judge me and my wife on behalf of our blog posts will ultimately answer to God for their gossiping.