2} We bought Julie a cell phone this past weekend. I never in a million years thought I'd let her get one at this age, so imagine the shock I gave myself when I told Ian that I thought she should have one. In our old neighbourhood was very contained and had a little park in the middle. There were always tons of kids out playing and we felt Julie was safe. She had to check in regularly with us so that we knew she was ok. But that 30-minute check in wasn't working here in our new neighbourhood. She was running home to check in, then when she'd return to the park the kids she was playing with would be gone. She's so lonely here. The cell phone will enable her to check in without leaving where she is, and we know she's safe. Not to mention if anything happened the police would be able to track her through her cell.
3} Jordan makes us laugh every day. The big kids taught her the word "lame" and she uses it more than she ever should, but it makes me laugh. I know I shouldn't have but it just was so funny. So now it's in her regular vocabulary.
4} Matthew has four teeth and says "dada". All of the other children said "mama" first but they've all pulled together and taught him to say "dada". His voice is so precious.
5} I went to my mom's to visit with her and my aunt on Saturday morning. It always feels so good to be there with them. We talked and laughed and had egg salad sandwiches for lunch - my favourite.
6} Sam stayed over at a friend's house on Saturday night and Ian and I took the girls and Mattie to a ribfest. They had a carnival, a little marketplace, beer tents and lots of rib stands. It was a lot of fun. Not sure I'd go again though - too many people.
7} Yesterday was the kind of Sunday I'd been longing for for awhile now. Slow and lazy, with a nap in the afternoon, grocery shopping and a visit from Ian's best friend Gary. Ian bbq'd ribs and wings and we ate outside on the deck.
8} I am completely overloaded at work with no let up in sight. We lost temp #4 on Thursday who left in a blaze of crazy and it doesn't look like we're going to be replacing her. I have a very full plate as it is, and was just handed more. All I can do is what I can do. I'm doing my best not to get stressed out.
9} Life feels good right now and we're in a good place. I'm happy. I'll suddenly feel a rush of happiness and well being, followed by thankfulness. It was so hard getting to this point, but it's all worth it now. God is so loving.
Ok that's it. I'm off to sleep!
My favourite rambling was number 9. :) xo
ReplyDeleteI love it when you're not stressed out and entirely content. Your posts really reflect God's Grace!
ReplyDelete'Left in a blaze of crazy' hahahahah!!!!!!
ReplyDelete'Left in a blaze of crazy' Hahahahah!!!!