Is this thing on??
Hello friends. It's been a very long time since I've checked in here. My blog badly needs some TLC from my neglect. My children no longer look like their sidebar pics... links are missing or broken...
I'm in a bad spot these days, friends. So much going on and I'm just tapped out. I'm deeply depressed and everything is such an effort.
I'm hoping to find my voice and start blogging again. I'd like to revamp the whole look of things around here but I'm so out of practice. Do people still blog now?? Ever since google reader disappeared I haven't been reading any blogs. Shame on me.
I'm on my way to bed. I have caught Ian's cold and it's really starting to settle in and I'm sore and sniffly.
I'll be back soon.
Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes!
ReplyDeleteYes, I still blog, but it's slowed way, way down too. But I still read blogs like crazy. I never used Google reader so it didn't affect me as all my favorite blogs are listed on my sidebar. Imagine my surprise when you popped up at the top a few minutes ago!
I'm sorry to hear about the hard time you are having. I think about you from time to time and when I do I pray for you and your family.
As far as updating your blog, it's been so long since I changed mine that when I started to attempt it a few months back I gave up because I was scared I was going to ruin it or something. Yeah, I'm out of practice too.
I do hope to see you hear more often. Even if it's just for therapy for you! :0)
I check in often, hoping for a new post. I'm glad you are here, but sad that you are sad. (((YOU)))