I spent the weekend in bed trying to get over this cold I've had for about a thousand years now. I finished reading You'll Get Through This by Max Lucado and watched Love Actually and Red. Drank lots of tea and slept a lot.
Not sure I feel any better but it was nice to hide from the world for a little while.
I missed church again for the second week in a row. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm going back. There has been so much stuff that has gone on within our church in the last ten months and I'm tired of dealing with it. We have been so hurt by the church leadership and I think I'm done.
Ian wants to see it through and sees where things are improving, but for me... the damage is done. I love the Lord and will always want to work at getting closer and closer to Him.... I just feel put off by church.
Maybe some day I'll tell you what happened.
Maybe I won't.
We have had so much snow lately. Sam shovels the driveway for us every snowfall without complaint. The snowbanks are now taller than he is and he's not sure where he'll put the next batch. It was so bad one day last week that it took me almost two hours to get to the office.
I popped in my Frozen cd and it was a full on Broadway show in my car.
I'm itching to sew something but I'm not sure what. I haven't sewed in over a year and a half and I'm not even sure I know where my tote of fabric even is. My sewing machine is in my mother's basement. You know what else I haven't done in a year a half? Baked. I remember I used to try something new every week and share it here. My mint chocolate cake gets repinned a lot on Pinterest which makes me miss baking even more.
Julie invited me to her Girls Night In event at her school on Jan 31st. They had all the 7th and 8th grade girls attend workshops all afternoon: liturgy, boot camp, friendship bracelets, zumba, smoothies & smores and nails. At 5:30 the moms met their daughters in the gym for pizza and a keynote speaker. It was a really great evening and it was nice to meet some of Julie's friends. I hated my middle school years. HATED THEM. I was bullied every single day and was completely miserable. I'm glad she's enjoying this new school so much. Her report card was her best one ever.
I'm wearing the nicest cardigan right now. It's peach coloured and so soft. I bought it in the Fall and when I brought it home and pulled it out of the bag I had this what was I thinking moment and hung it up in my closet and proceeded to ignore it. But today I'm loving it.
My nail polish collection has grown. I'll have to show it to you. I think I have 40 something bottles now and I had to cut myself off because it was getting a bit out of hand. I just love the feel of freshly polished nails.
Julie's birthday gift to me this year was a manicure and pedicure. Sweet! She came with me and we talked and talked about everything under the sun. I think I may have been the guy's (yes, a dude did my pedi) first customer ever because I've never gotten such a detailed pedicure before. He got a little carried away and rubbed off about three layers of skin and I was sporting a rash for a few days. BUT... I have very pretty toes and no more prickly feet.
Sam is going on a school retreat with the media majors this week. Three days without him. My heart hurts already. He started telling me about some of the scheduled events but I had to make him stop before I decided not to let him go! (climbing a telephone pole and then jumping off into the snow!?!)
Enough rambly thoughts. Time for bed. Amazing how I slept a hundred hours this weekend yet I'm still so tired.
"Night y'all.
Sooo glad to see you back. Still praying for you and your sweet family. I think I understand some of what you are going through. My husband and I seem to take turns on where we are in our hurt and desire to keep on attending. It doesn't get better, but at some point it gets easier. Be well!