I was expecting to finish up my temporary placement on Friday, but it has been extended again for another week, maybe two. They have hired and trained someone in Kingston and she is ready to take over. I feel sad about that and I don’t know why. I resisted going back to work – even temporarily – but over the last nine weeks I feel as though the position became mine. Year End is this week, so I will tie up as many loose ends as I can. I think I will be helping out in other areas but I don’t know for how long. Each day I work is a blessing.
Friday night rolled around with super speed. Usually it’s Family Night, but I decided that I was going to give Ian the weekend off as part of his Father’s Day celebrations. I bought a big button for him to wear that said “Off Duty”. Strangely enough, he didn’t wear it...
So not cool, Ian.
He ended up heading out for a bit on his own, which left Sam, Julie, Jordan and Yours Truly. Then Julie was invited to go out with her friend to a nearby park.
So it was Sam, Jordan and Yours Truly. Then Sam was invited to go to his friend’s house to play video games.
Then it was just Jordan and - you guessed it! - Yours Truly. Rather than stay home, Jordan and I walked over to Chapters and browsed around for a bit, then over to Second Cup where I treated myself to a Strawberry Smoothie.
Friends… I love me a Strawberry Smoothie like nobody’s business.
We headed home and picked up Sam along the way, then went to McDonald’s as Sam hadn’t eaten yet. We came home and I played with Jordan out front for a bit then came in for the night. Miss Julie rolled in around 9:30 and I put all the children to bed.
I attempted to watch a movie with Ian but I fell asleep after the opening scene.
Saturday morning I was up bright and early and headed out for an appointment at 9am. I managed to squeeze in a visit with my mother in the early afternoon then came home to get everyone ready to go out for dinner at our friends’ house. It truly was a great evening with lots of laughter, storytelling and great food.
Came home and didn’t even try to watch a movie. We were exhausted.
I had planned to serve Ian his breakfast in bed this morning in honour of Father’s Day (and let’s face it, because I’m an awesome wife) but things didn’t exactly go as planned. Sam woke me up and I headed downstairs to get breakfast started. He went to Magic’s cage to check on her as he always does first thing in the morning.
Sadly, Magic had passed away some time during the night. Sam was crushed.
I went to tell Ian and he came down to remove Magic from her cage while I held Sam as he cried. Julie came downstairs to see what the commotion was and we had to tell her what had happened. She just lay against me, with big, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn’t make any noise, just silently cried.
Ugh! This is why I hate little pets! They die and make everyone sad.
I didn’t even want that darn bird, if you recall.
But my heart broke for my children.
Would it be wrong if I admitted that while I held my children I was trying to remember when we bought the bird and if we still had our receipt? (You can return them within a certain time frame if they should die) Because if it would be wrong to admit that, then you can feel free to pretend like I didn’t say anything about it at all.
After church we headed back to the pet store to buy a new bird.
Don’t even say anything about the new bird, people. We’ve already covered the fact that I am the biggest pushover ever.
So now we are the owners of a new bird named Summer. I voted to name him “Jinx” because I would get a kick out of saying “Hi Jinx!”.
Get it?
Oh I am nothing if not witty.
This afternoon I was planning on getting a head start on some housework so that Ian could relax a bit tomorrow, bake a cake for dessert, do some laundry and make a lovely dinner to honour my husband.
Then my sister called. My mother was very sick and a doctor was coming to the house to see her and did we have any Gravol?
I dropped everything and rushed out. I went to four stores until I found some then rushed over to my mother’s. She said she had been incredibly dizzy and nauseated all last evening and today and couldn’t walk or keep anything down. I stayed with her for a couple of hours until she said she started to feel better. I got her all settled and headed home.
I felt so torn. Do I stay with my sick mother or go home and celebrate Father’s Day? She was telling me to go home. Ian was telling me to stay.
I decided to go home for dinner and return if necessary. Julie set the table for me and did a beautiful job. She is only 8, but she knows all the niceties that go with setting a lovely table. She amazes me. I served roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, carrots, salad and breadsticks.
Oh yes, I cook. ;-)
I didn’t get to bake the cake as planned so I threw some brownies in the oven and we had those with ice cream for dessert.
My sister called during dinner to say the doctor had been there and then proceeded to give me incorrect information. Thankfully, my mother called shortly afterwards and gave me the proper story. She has a virus and it’s already showing signs of leaving her system. My sister is staying over night in case she has a turn for the worse, and then my aunt will arrive on Tuesday for the summer, as planned.
So it’s 10:30 pm on Sunday and I just don’t know where Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, etc went.
I loved being with the children all weekend, doing things for them, fixing them lunch, making their dinner, tucking them into bed at night. I miss that so much more than I could ever, ever express here. I want to be back at home again, taking care of my family like before. God knows my heart longs for this and I trust that He has a plan for me. In the meantime, I am grateful for this job and the fun it brings.
That’s it for me. I am O-U-T.
For being such a blur, you remember details quite well!
ReplyDeleteHUGS to you Kate. I'm glad your mom is feeling better!