Friday, January 22, 2010

5QF ~ January 22

I'm feeling MUCH better today, thank goodness. Ian made sure I got to bed at a reasonable hour last night and I am so grateful for that. It's amazing how a good night's rest can reset a person, isn't it?

And you guys.... wow. Your comments on yesterday's pity post blew me away. I needed prayers and you guys showed up. That meant so much. I am just a stranger, yet your compassion for me.... wow.

Thank you.

Enough with the mushy stuff!

Today's Friday!!

Which means it's Mama M's Five Question Friday day!

And here we go with today's questions...

1. What is better, growing old without money or dying young and wealthy?

Definitely growing old without money. I don't believe that money is everything. Would I like more of it? Sure, I'm not an idiot! But it's not the be all to end all for me. As long as my family is healthy and love me, I don't need anything more. That alone makes me extremely wealthy.

2. Who takes out the garbage at your house?

Mostly my Ian takes out the garbage. I try to have it all bagged and ready for him so all he has to do is carry it out. Sometimes I will take it out, or the children will take out the recycling, but the majority is done by Ian. And he never complains. He's so great.

3. Have you ever had the same dream many times?

I don't often dream the same dream. I dream a lot, however. In colour and I can actually hear voices. I hate it when I'm having a bad dream and I wake up to go to the washroom, then go back to sleep to pick up where I've left off.

4. Can you play a musical instrument?

Nope and I feel ripped off. I would love to be able to play the piano. But I was never interested in learning to read sheet music so I guess it's kinda my fault. But in my mind I am a world renowned concert pianist.

5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell?

I would love to own a flower shop. I love the way flowers look, how they smell, the way they make people feel. Mind you, I know less about flowers than I do about playing the piano, so there you go.

Head on over to Mama M's blog My Little Life and play along too :-)

Thanks Mama M!



  1. I love me some gerber daisies... so if you could keep those in stock for me I would def. be a regular customer in your flower shop ;)

    You arent missing anything by not learning to read sheet music. I tried the whole piano thing.. can you say!

    Glad you are feeling better sunshine! Hope you have a wonderful weekend (you)

  2. You are so funny, my friend...and I had big hopes on you opening a flower shop!!!

    Glad you are feeling better today! Here's a {{hug}} just for the heck of it!

  3. I want to play the piano too..Oh well!

    I love your idea of opening up a flower shop..It would smell lovely!

    Glad your day is better today..sorry you were so blue yesterday..

    Ian seems like such a sweetie..:-)

  4. You're right, money isn't everything, and you can't take it with you when you die!
    I would like to learn to play the piano,too.

  5. Anonymous3:42 p.m.

    I love flowers. Specifically when my husband brings them home. Which is literally once in a blue moon, 4 times since we married in 2004.

    That stinks that you can pick up where you left off on a bad dream! Don't envy you on that one, fa-reaky!

    Have a good weekend!

  6. I used to manage a flower shop! We should go into business!

  7. Hubby Ian4:32 p.m.

    Yup, you're right... I AM a sweetie!

    And I should be given nightly neck massages as repayment, without complaint of course...


  8. SO glad you're feeling better...and YES good sleep definitely helps a lot of problems!

    A flower shop would be awesome! Think how good it would smell around you all the time, yummy! :)

    Have a great weekend you!!

  9. My mom does the same thing with her bad dreams!

    So, what's your favorite flower? I love tulips.

  10. I used to manage a flower shop! We should go into business!

  11. You're right, money isn't everything, and you can't take it with you when you die!
    I would like to learn to play the piano,too.
