Monday, January 04, 2010

The Shred - Day One - I Think I'm Dying Already

Ok. I don't want to be overly dramatic or anything, but I truly think I'm dying.

This morning I was raring to go and excited to start Day One. (Liar liar pants on fire)

I had to call Ian at work to figure out how to switch the tv from cable to the dvd player. He wrote all sorts of instructions out for me the other day but I've lost the slip of paper.


I felt very athletic-like in my brand spankin' new sneakers. Like I could do anything that Jillian Michaels threw at me. That feeling didn't last long. I'm guessing about thirty seconds into things when reality came crashing in.

I followed the lower-impact lady, figuring I could take her no problem. I was wrong. So very, very wrong.

I'm going to be honest here. I didn't make it too far into the video before I had to stop. I was coughing and choking and gasping for air.

I watched the rest of the video so I would know what to expect for tomorrow. I have a feeling I'm not going to like Jillian's brand of surprises.

I have nightmares about doing this again and I haven't even gone to sleep yet.

I can hear/feel this weird rattling in my chest anytime I inhale and now I'm coughing like a fifty year smoker.

Maybe I dislodged my lung or something.

I'm sore.

I cried several times about this today as I struggled with feeling like a failure. But I try to remind myself that even though I didn't make it all the way through, I did more exercise today than I've done in a very long time. But tomorrow will be better. It has to be better. (Oh Lord! Please make tomorrow be better!)

Thank you to everyone who left me comments of support and encouragement today. I was so grateful for them and you lifted my spirits.

For those of you who are also working with Jackie from A Step At A Time, I'm hoping to make it to your blogs soon. I would come by tonight but I'm very sore and I'm going to soak in a hot bath. I think you guys can appreciate that!

Tomorrow will be better.



  1. Keep it up! So proud of you!!!

  2. You have to start somewhere, right? That is my biggest fear of starting something too, knowing that I am going to have a very tough time when I first start! I know you will kick Jillian's butt, it might just not be as quick as you would like!

  3. Dear Imaginary Friend.
    You're going to do great, and it will get better. Every day. I promise. Don't give up! {{{YOU!}}}

  4. I would be the same way! I HATE exercise. I have a Jillian Michael's Wii workout thingy that kicked my butt. I know that I can do it though and so can you! Good luck and remember small steps is the key.

  5. Kate, I'm proud of you!! You are more motivated that I am...I started to cry just thinking about doing it! (So, I haven't!)

    You can do this!

  6. Tomorrow may not be better at all. Just so you know! It may be much harder because you will feel sore from today. Push through! You will start to feel better after the first week. Also, take heart in the fact that you are doing something! It hurst right now, but remind yourself every day why you are doing it. Is it to be a positive role model for your children? Is it so you can be there at their weddings? Is it just so you feel better in general? Whatever it is, that reason will always be there. So why not make this the time? You CAN do it. It's hard, yes...but everything in life worth having is hard to attain. Push through!

  7. You know, when I first exercised after not doing it for a while I felt the same way. Okay I wasn't having breathing problems but my body hurt and hated me. But if you start slow and keep building you'll be able to do it. I know you can, because if this is something God has laid on your heart, to take better care of your temple for both you, your family and most importantly Him, then He's going to walk you through it and give you the strength.

    You can do! Here's to a better day tomorrow!

  8. Fortunately you didn't want to be dramatic...kidding...but if it's a long time you don't exercise, you can't expect too much, start very very small and grow, go girl!

  9. Take it slow, my friend. Take it slow! You'll get there. It was your first day, give yourself a break! Hey, at least you started. Who cares how far you got in the video. Just try to go 5 more minutes today. Don't try to bite off the whole thing in one day.

    Hope this helps :-)

  10. First of're not a loser or a failure! You made the effort and you gave everything you had. No, you didn't finish the video...but you time. Please don't cry and beat yourself is a victory! You moved your body! It's the first day towards a new you, and that is something to celebrate.

    I am proud of you!

  11. You are awesome!! Can you send some of your motivation my way? Please?! Don't feel like a failure, you did something, baby steps my girl! I am the failure, grocery shopping was my exercise today.....#failure

  12. You are doing awesome girl!! Keep it up, it's gets much easier! Proud of you! {hugs}

  13. Girl I am so proud of you!! Day one down and over with... and from what I read on twitter sounds like day two of the shred should be coming to a close any minute. I think I am going to get the video this weekend and try to kick arse and take names with ya. Who knows we could be swimsuit models in the making LMAO! (you)

  14. You go girl!!! Honestly. Inspiring! Hope the soreness goes away soon!

  15. Anonymous4:59 p.m.

    ROFL! I am sorry. But it's only funny because I had the same mentality when I bought the 30DS dvd..."I CAN do this! Jillian doesn't know who she's dealing with!"

    I'll end this by saying I took the dvd out of the player before we moved, and now, it's in the depths of storage closet in the spare room.


  16. Anonymous5:00 p.m.

    Oh yeah, Go you! The first workout is half the battle!

  17. Try taking it slowly. Rushing into it will make you sore, especially if you've not exercised for a while. But take heart, you will get there!
    A better day tomorrow, just don't give up!

  18. Anonymous9:31 p.m.

    Good for you! You've got to start somewhere, right? Each day is going to get easier. Stick with it!

  19. Ahh first of all cute blog! Love it! Hang in there.. shred day 1 was hard for me.. I could hardly do pushups, and I had to take breaks. LOL! I didn't like day 2 either.. blah.. but mind over matter.. only 20 min!! Good luck sweetie!

  20. Oh Kate, it will take time. I couldn't agree more. You look at it and think, "This is going to be cake!" And then it's less like eating cake and more like making one. I don't know about you, but I am horrible at making cakes, but really good at eating them. Hang in there and take it bit by bit!
