I now officially have pre-Christmas anxiety because I'm not finished my shopping. I hate that I leave it to Christmas week every single year. Ian has been amazing as always and has bought all of the children's gifts. I picked out a couple of things for them last week but I still have a few other people to buy for.
What do you buy the man who has everything?? I always struggle with what to give Ian. I make him give me a list of the things he wants and where to buy them. I give him bonus points if he picks them up himself ;-)
You know the Gift Giving Gene that women have? I don't have it. I don't have the gift of looking at something and having a "Oh my gosh! So and So would LOVE this!!" moments. I need people to tell me what they want.
Are you a gift card person? I am. I love me a gift card. Some people think they're so impersonal but I think think they're great.
My dog smells so bad right now, but I don't have the strength to give him a bath. How can a dog that doesn't do anything other than sleep smell so bad? And he's on my couch so you know my couch is going to smell too. Oh but I love him.
Tomorrow I see my doctor for my monthly prenatal appointment and I can only imagine the weight I've gained in this first trimester. Did I tell you that I'm on medication for my blood pressure? I get pre-eclampsia in all of my pregnancies but only in the final days and I get induced. When I saw my doctor at my last appointment he was uncomfortable with how high my blood pressure was so he gave me a safe prescription. It's really helped with the tightness in my chest and shortness of breath.
Yesterday I started wondering if I've been drinking enough milk and in a panic had three glasses in a row. I'm not a big milk drinker so remembering to drink it every day is hard.
What else can I tell you? Hmm...
Jordan is saying new words every day and makes me laugh so much. Yesterday she wanted me to do something and I said no and she said "Peese?" and I said no again, and she said "oh come on!". She is a riot.
Julie and I have a mother/daughter shopping date on Tuesday night and we're both really looking forward to it. She's crocheting a scarf for Jordan. How sweet is that?
Sam went to the Christmas Banquet for the youth group last night and had a great time. I love that he's so comfortable there. He looked so hip in his outfit.
My temp assignment continues. I think I might be there until the end of February and possibly into March. There have been some bumps but I'm managing. Every morning, before I do anything else, I ask God to give me what I need for that day, and He does. I'm exhausted when I come home at night. It's a dark place to be and people aren't what they seem. I just do my thing and leave when it's time to go. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the work.
That's about all the news I have to tell you at this point! Talk to you soon!
YAY.. I needed a Kate update. Praying the blood pressure is helping and doing what it should. I had pre-eclampsia the final weeks with E.. was on bedrest. No fun!
ReplyDeleteHave fun on your shopping date with Jules. That would be the best.
Hang in there girlie.. HUGS!
Gift cards are the BEST! That's what I'd probably get my husband...instead I'm giving him a baby that will require a new vehicle to be able to fit our family! ;)
ReplyDeleteYour kiddos sound so sweet! Have a very Merry Christmas!
Holy RANDOM post batman! LOL...I hardly kept up with you! Glad to see an update though!
ReplyDeleteLove you and sorry again about today...sniffles, high fevers, coughs and aches and pains prevailed....sigh....
The way I got milk in when pregnant with Robbie was in hot chocolate - I would go to wherever they used steamed milk to make hot chocolate (Second Cup, Starbucks). One of my friends drank chocolate milk to get hers in. Whatever works, right now egg nog is good.
ReplyDeleteKeep praying that prayer and don't give up. I was a little worried about you and your sweet heart in the world of collections, but you're right God can and will sustain you.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, I'm not much of a gift giver myself. I mean I can see something and think oh! That's so and so but I usually don't have the moola so that goes out the door quick.
Praying for your health and strength.
You crazy lady -- the week-before-Christmas shopping?!? Won't that leave you in the store with all the husbands? ;) Good luck finishing up!
ReplyDeleteAs for first trimester weight gain -- well, I'd be too embarrassed to share with you how much I gained with my first in the first three months, but all together, I weighed in at an extra whopping 60 pounds at the end of the 10 months he stayed in there! Yikes! Thank goodness, it came off. But I'll never, never be the same . . .
The way I got milk in when pregnant with Robbie was in hot chocolate - I would go to wherever they used steamed milk to make hot chocolate (Second Cup, Starbucks). One of my friends drank chocolate milk to get hers in. Whatever works, right now egg nog is good.