I completely forgot about my job while I was home. For the life of me I can't remember my password to log into my computer. Tomorrow morning should be interesting.
Ian and Sam had a fantastic time at FanExpo. I'm so glad they went and had that guy-time together. Ian brought home tons of stuff for the children.
And for me.
Like Lou Ferrigno's AUTOGRAPH!!!
Ian won lots of stuff too, and met several actors he likes. And saw the DeLorean from the Back to the Future movies.
I loved pretending I was a stay-at-home mom again. I've done so many loads of laundry this weekend that I've lost count. Of course I left my own to the very end, and now I can't go to sleep until the last load goes in the dryer.
Oh Kate.
I went through the Littles' clothes and pulled out all their outgrown stuff and washed and put away all the next sizes. I have two big bags plus a box for donation. Usually I cry when I do this task, but this time around I didn't feel a thing.
Matthew is walking more and more on his own. Sometimes he pushes my hand away and tries to go longer on his own. Today he fell against the corner of the coffee table and banged his eye. He's no worse for the wear, and his eye looks just fine.
I managed to break two glasses in one day.
We've found a second car that we'd like to buy. Hoping to nail that down this week.
Julie had some one-on-one time with my mom last night. They baked cookies and brownies together. She's so thankful for that special time with her Gram. I am too.
The children have one last week of summer vacation left. I hope at the end of it they will feel rested for their return. Sam will be entering the 8th grade, Julie is going into the 6th grade and our Jordan, as you know, will be starting junior kindergarten. I'm very happy that their school is one of the few remaining schools that offer half-day classes for JK. A full day of school for a small four year old is too much in my opinion.
I'm feeling very heavy hearted tonight. Life feels backwards. I feel in my heart that I belong at home, yet I'm not. Ian longs to be back working, but he isn't. We each want to be in the other's shoes.
Always, always, always....we are grateful for this new life. Thankful for this chance to rest and breathe and start over. We never would have made it to this place without God's grace, mercy and provision. The wait was long and painful and scary, but He brought us to a place we never could have imagined.
Time for bed.
Praying you have a blessed week and that God will show both you and Ian His plan for this "season" in your lives.