Saturday, August 14, 2010

5QF ~ Aug 14 Vloggy Style

Want to play along? Head on over to Mama M's blog My Little Life and get in on the fun!



  1. Fun vlog!!! you ever have a bad hair day? Seriously, it's always beautiful!

  2. Lookin good chica. But really, ABBA? Blech. And here I thought we were soulmates.

  3. Your vlogs are so good! I'm so out-classed! Jeez! And btw, Eeyore is my son's Lovie, so he was super stoked to hear you talk about him :-D Yes, your vlogs are a family affair for us down here. And I think you were at South of the Border! Hahaha, we traveled I-95 WAY too many times to count when we lived on the east coast during our military career and we ALWAYS passed that place and laughed our heads off at it. I can't believe you went there! The weirdest place for me was the UFO Museum in Roswell New Mexico. Yeah. UFO Museum. Seriously.

  4. So glad you did a vlog! We soo went throught that south of the border town on the way to the beach this year. We have gone to myrtle beach area every year of my life pretty much but this was the first (Derek didnt know where he was going ;) time I have seen such a thing! It was so crazy. Now we did not stop as we had a sleeping baby and it was late but it was lit up like a circus in the middle of nowhere.. craziness!!

    Glad you got to have a little girl time last night.. talk to you soon! ((hugs))

  5. We are soul sisters...what with our loathing of winter!

    I agree with Sneaky're hair is a legend. Well, YOU are a legend, and your hair is a part of that legend!

    I'm sorry you are feeling blue...I wish I could come over with fresh baked cookies and we could have a good talk!

  6. OMG You are SO cute!! And SO funny! Well. Not as funny as me. But close. LOL ;o)

  7. OMG You are SO cute!! And SO funny! Well. Not as funny as me. But close. LOL ;o)

  8. Fun vlog!!! you ever have a bad hair day? Seriously, it's always beautiful!
