Saturday, March 03, 2012

Week At A Glance

Seems like I took a lot of pictures this week.

Want to see some?

Sam gave me this gigantic Hershey's Kiss for Valentine's Day.

I don't know why we buy Neapolitan when no one really likes the pink part.

We need to move Mattie out of our room...but where to put him??

She must have done this puzzle a dozen times that first day.

Even teddy bears are subjected to naptime around here.

Came downstairs one morning to find Ian had tackled the dreaded mis-matched sock basket.

Met up with a sweet friend for tea AND bumped into another one while I was there :-)

Loving his music table.

Checking out the snow.

My little peeps sure are messy!

Snack time ~ cupcakes baked with love from Aunt Cindy.

What I'm reading these days.

Always so happy.

Can't believe this was even necessary.

What did YOUR week look like??



  1. That is a great book!

  2. Anonymous11:59 a.m.

    1. Matthew is FREAKIN adorable. His adorable-ness has been the topic of conversation more than once on sundays when we get home from church.

    2. the peanut butter labels made me laugh out loud.

    1. Thanks girl! I love watching your mom hold him, she always looks so happy :)

  3. oooh the sock basket.. we have one of those here too.. but it's evil ;)

    1. Shh... I think we might have one more upstairs. I hate matching socks.

  4. Love that you had to label the peanut butters!!! But the real reason for my comment is that baby is GORGEOUS!! Seriously - how do you not eat him up e.v.e.r.y. day?! Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Bree! I think he gets tired of me kissing and squishing him for sure!

  5. Awesome book you are reading! Gives a lot of insight to raising a child with Autism.
