Friday, February 06, 2009

Tagged :-)

I was tagged by Devin over at Count Your Blessings so here goes!

A movie I watched: An absolutely phenomenal movie and I suggest that every married couple watch it - together.

A moment I will always remember: When Sam and Julie met Jordan for the first time.

A new skill I acquired: I learned how to play.

A lesson I learned: Well, maybe not a new lesson, but one that I finally understood...

A new place I visited this year: Does the new hospital count? I was a little too busy for a vacation last year!

A book I read:

An inspiring verse or quote: "Go boldly in the direction of your dreams, live the life you imagined." (Thoreau)

Here are the rules:
1. Fill in your memories of 2008.
2. Link my blog to yours.
3. Tag others and comment on their blog so they know they've been tagged.

I'm tagging Jen, Amanda, Margaret and Melissa!


  1. I love your new skill! :)

  2. Anonymous1:32 p.m.

    Yes! same here-love the new skill-lol- great post! <><

  3. Anonymous5:26 p.m.

    I saw Fireproof last night it was really good.

  4. I saw Fireproof last night it was really good.
