I am alive and well and working hard. My temp placement was supposed to only be for two weeks ending tomorrow, but I was told that it now has an indefinite end date. That could mean another week or two, or longer. While I'm grateful for the opportunity I still miss being at home so much it hurts. It's a good place to work and the people are so nice and helpful. The workload is very heavy but I'm getting used to it. This week was easier than last week which is good.
I think we have a few jokesters at this company. Someone had their jeep wrapped up in some kind of industrial strength cellophane today. I would have loved to have seen their face when they saw their car!
Tuesday evening I met up with some ladies to celebrate my friend's 50th birthday. I haven't seen this group of women in awhile so it was nice to catch up with them. I stayed out longer than I intended but I was having such a good time that I couldn't pull myself away.
Last night I was on my way home and was waiting at a red light when two boys who were on the sidewalk broke into a dance routine. It was fun to watch and certainly passed the time! I clapped for them and they bowed and smiled.
Last night I met up with Cindy to see "Obsessed" at the theatre. I enjoyed it and loved that Cindy came even though she had seen it the night before.
No girls club for me tonight. Ian has a meeting at the church so I'm home with the children.
It's only 7:40 and I'm ready for bed already.
Congrats on being good enough to be a keeper!
ReplyDeleteBeing a SAHM is great, but it sounds like this job is a good one for you.
I was thinking about you after I got your text message and how it must be hurting to be away from the children.
ReplyDeleteYou're a great mom and doing what you need to do for your family. God has a plan for you, and is keeping you safe with Him.
Just going through and trying to catch up on things.
ReplyDeleteYay on the new job! Who knows what it could lead to, but I know it's hard to be away from Ian and the kids.
Things will work out..
The Lord will sustain you through working and/or being home. Oh and we used to do the same thing with cars when we were in college. :D
ReplyDeleteThat made me laugh!
Praying for you girl!
Just going through and trying to catch up on things.
ReplyDeleteYay on the new job! Who knows what it could lead to, but I know it's hard to be away from Ian and the kids.
Things will work out..
I was thinking about you after I got your text message and how it must be hurting to be away from the children.
ReplyDeleteYou're a great mom and doing what you need to do for your family. God has a plan for you, and is keeping you safe with Him.