I absolutely loved our wedding. We welcomed 70 guests for an elegant afternoon wine & cheese reception at my mother's home and then we left at 6pm to have dinner alone together. The next morning we were off to the Dominican Republic for our week long honeymoon. I wouldn't have changed a thing.
Ok, maybe my poufy 90's wedding dress with the bow on the bum... shudder.
I love you, Ian....thank you for sticking with me through both the incredibly beautiful times and also the ugly times... You remain my greatest gift from God...
I was very emotional this morning as I got ready to head out to work. Ian got up with me at 6 am and started our day off with a prayer, which I really needed. He prepared the most perfect cup of tea for me in my favourite Eeyore mug while I did my hair and he even packed my lunch.
I even got two Hershey kisses in my lunch, just like we give the kids everyday, so they get a kiss from mom and dad during the day.
The children were still fast asleep so I didn't get to say good bye to them before I left, but I did get to love on Jordan. I squeezed her so hard she grunted. Oops.
My day went very well. So much to learn and remember. I met almost everyone and they were all so warm and welcoming to me. I had lunch with the CFO! Where I come from, the CFO was much too important to dine with the likes of moi...
What's that? That sounded a little sarcastic? Well... maybe a little... (but it's true!)
I have a lovely little cubicle office to work in and I was on my own, doing my thing, all afternoon. While I could go on and on about this job, what I really want to tell you about is my super cool phone. I can select a ring for the phone from 24 different choices. I think I will go with the lady's voice that says "Hello... is anyone there...? Hello? Anyone..?"
I was so excited to get home to see Ian and the children that I turned on the wrong street and ended up driving for 30 minutes in the wrong direction. Sweet mercy. What is the problem with my sense of direction?? Good thing I had a granola bar in my purse, otherwise I might have starved to death as I tried to find my way out of Cow Country.
For a moment I forgot I was alone in the car and yelled "Look! Sheep! Baa Baa!".
I would have been embarrassed but hello... I was alone...
I had just stepped onto the porch when Jules yanked open the front door and flew into my arms tonight. She was so excited to see me. I enjoyed lots of great cuddle time with all three of my little blessings before my incredible dinner. Sam said it felt so weird not seeing me before he left for school or to have me welcome him home afterwards.
So it's now 8:30 and I am mentally exhausted. Is it too early for bed??
Happy Anniversary and congrats on a good first day! I was thinking about you!
ReplyDeleteOkay first I would like to say you are so awesome! With that said you did not fail your daughter in anyway shape or form, you are a great mum and I my friend would not lie. All famalies have moments and that is okay. Being a mum is hard work not that I know but I can see it with people I know and my own mother. I love that you took her to Tim's and sat at our table that I bet made her feel so special and that my lovely friend is what counts.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you had a great day! I was thinking about you all day long!!!
Have another GREAT DAY tomorrow!
Okay first I would like to say you are so awesome! With that said you did not fail your daughter in anyway shape or form, you are a great mum and I my friend would not lie. All famalies have moments and that is okay. Being a mum is hard work not that I know but I can see it with people I know and my own mother. I love that you took her to Tim's and sat at our table that I bet made her feel so special and that my lovely friend is what counts.