Friday, March 26, 2010

5QF - March 26 - Vlog Style

Want to join in? Head on over to Mama M's blog My Little Life!

Happy Friday!



  1. Hi, I'm a new follower to your blog. :)
    I loved your vlog! You are really funny. :-) Hehe, the plastic surgery answer made me laugh.
    Have a great Friday!

  2. KATE! I just dont know how else to say it.. I just love you to death! You are the best Vlogger out there.. no one could even touch that! I love your excitment and cute personality.

    Hoping to be able to get my "vlog" on tonight! We will see... would really help if one of my best buddies in bloggy land would email me exactly "how to"

  3. Oh my goodness. YOU ARE A HOOT!!!! Loved the VLOG.... I don't know how to do one so I will just hop along and watch the others.

    You and I are soooo alike. Minus the M&M's I like mine with NUTS.... or as hubby says. I LIKE THE MALE VERSION OF THEM.....

  4. Good to SEE you, Kate! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Everything about you makes me happy!! Except the jeans. I live in jeans. ;)


  6. LOVE THIS! You make me smile every time I read this!

  7. A.MAZ.ING! [[you make me smile]]

  8. Anonymous12:43 p.m.

    You are so cute! I freakin' love your laugh!!! I just wanna hug you!

    Thanks for bullying me! I had fun doing the vlog!

  9. Cute LOL love the sense of humor! I loved the GrapeJuice and M&Ms..should I try it? Have a great wkend!

  10. Bedonkadonk! LMAO!!!! You are so awesome Kate, and you look great, bedonkadonk and all!

  11. Hey Kate! It's nice meeting you! Love that you did your 5 questions LIVE!! Maybe I'll do it next time.

    So cool that Julianne tweeted you!!!

  12. I hopped on over from Mama M.'s. Great Vlog :) You are fun, I plan to visit your blog again. Happy Friday.

  13. Your so cute Kate! I love your plastic surgery answer..seriously..why mess with perfection! :-)

    Have fun partying it up this weekend!

  14. Oh my goodness, I just love you to death! Sorry I don't have a webcam to join you.

    Your Vlogs are so much fun :)

  15. Anonymous3:40 p.m.

    I could listen to you talk forever! Your amazing!

  16. You are awesome! Love you. Just posting my VLOG now and I did it just for you because I worked last night and it is totally snowing outside and I am irritated by that. We would SOOOOO be friends if we were neighbors! Why don't you just move on down hehe!

  17. Your Vlog was awesome! Glad I am not the only one joining in and admitting to failing their driving test the first time around! :)

    Have a great weekend celebrating!

  18. DUDE...You rock every.time.

    Can't wait to chat live!

  19. are so FREAKIN' cute! You are totally a natural...I think you should be on TV!

    I love the "AND MESS WITH THIS????"

    I love you girl! (And, honest...I didn't intentionally lame out...I was a bizzzzay girl today!!)

  20. This is my first time visiting your blog/vlog. I loved your 5QF vlog, that badonkadonk comment was awesome!!

  21. Ah Kate. You are so lovely!! Loved seeing YOU today!

  22. Thanks for the laugh!

  23. I love watching your vlogs. But I don't think it's for me (to do myself, that is).

  24. Haha! What a great way to start my day! Best VLOG ever! You are awesome, Kate!

  25. This is my first visit to your blog. I don't even remember how I got here. A visit to another blog and then another and viola! Love the vlog, you are adorable!

  26. I didn't take my drivers test through the DMV. I took drivers ed at my high school and I just had to bring in my passing grade and got my drivers lisence!

    This is my first time commenting, but I've been here before! I'm not following your blog and you'll see me around more often! :)

  27. always make me smile. Thanks for allowing me to partake with the cool kids this week...I think I may just hang with you guys more often!

  28. That was too cute!

    I didn't have the guts (or the know-how)to vlog yesterday's 5QF answers! But I really enjoyed watching yours!

  29. Yay, that was so fun!!! You are the best Vlogger ever!

  30. My Miss Kate...too cute. Love the way you glance to the side before you answer your driving test question. Hope the birthday parties went well!

  31. OH My Gosh - I don't want to say anything nice to you because after reading all these other comments - your head is going to swell!

    I already know you "Rock" - - I guess now the rest of the world if finding that out for themselves! LOL

  32. I have tried opening this like 30 times and it won't let me! :( I want to see it!! #bummed

  33. Hi Kate,
    Stopping by from Amanda's...
    Question #4, "And mess with this? Not a chance!" I LOVE IT!!!
    So fun meeting you. And, hey, I know Amanda has a web cam. Maybe if we BOTH pressure, I mean, ENCOURAGE her, she'll learn how to use it and start vlogging, too. *grin*


  34. First visit to your vlog. VLOG?? Whatever...I have lots to learn about blogs.
    Question: Is your badonkadonk "honkytonk"?
    The grape juice and M&M's=kinda like blogger's communion? :o)
    Love it that your "bullying" is really "encouragement." blessings on your day!

  35. Hi Kate,
    Stopping by from Amanda's...
    Question #4, "And mess with this? Not a chance!" I LOVE IT!!!
    So fun meeting you. And, hey, I know Amanda has a web cam. Maybe if we BOTH pressure, I mean, ENCOURAGE her, she'll learn how to use it and start vlogging, too. *grin*


  36. That was too cute!

    I didn't have the guts (or the know-how)to vlog yesterday's 5QF answers! But I really enjoyed watching yours!

  37. Thanks for the laugh!

  38. You are awesome! Love you. Just posting my VLOG now and I did it just for you because I worked last night and it is totally snowing outside and I am irritated by that. We would SOOOOO be friends if we were neighbors! Why don't you just move on down hehe!

  39. Oh my goodness. YOU ARE A HOOT!!!! Loved the VLOG.... I don't know how to do one so I will just hop along and watch the others.

    You and I are soooo alike. Minus the M&M's I like mine with NUTS.... or as hubby says. I LIKE THE MALE VERSION OF THEM.....
